Islamic Boarding School Teachers In Bangkalan Become Drug Users And Intermediaries

JAKARTA - A teacher at a pesantren in Kwanyar, Bangkalan Regency, with the initials AM (46), was arrested on a drug abuse case. This man is known to often act as an intermediary for his students when buying crystal methamphetamine.

Bangkalan Police Chief AKBP Rama Samtama Putra said AM's arrest was based on reports from the public who were worried about AM's suspicious activity. AM is suspected of being a crystal meth user at the pesantren. He was arrested on Monday, January 20, at his residence.

"This concerned man had escaped. We lost track of his time after searching outside the city. But two months later we managed to catch him," Rama told VOI when contacted, Thursday, January 23.

During the examination process, AM said, his motive for taking drugs was because it was not prohibited by religion. In addition, during the 10 years he taught religion at the pesantren, he spread this understanding to his students.

Based on his confession, about 25 of his students believed in his understanding. Two of them are already undergoing trial processes for similar cases.

"His admission is that there are many who agree with those concerned. But currently we are still developing the numbers," said Rama.

The crystal methamphetamine offered by AM to his students was purchased from a person with the initials E. Currently, suspect E is in a police search.

"We are still looking for this E figure to explore the origin of methamphetamine," said Rama.

As a result of his actions, AM was charged with Article 114 subsidiary to Article 112 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. He faces a minimum sentence of 5 years and a maximum of 20 years in prison.