Medan Pilkada Debate: Akhyar Shows Off Success In Pressing COVID-19, Aulia Says Salaries For Health Fighters Cut

MEDAN - Candidate for mayor number 1 in the Medan Regional Election, Akhyar Nasution, explained the success of controlling COVID-19. Akhyar, who is on leave from the local election from the last position of Plt Mayor of Medan, said that COVID-19 is under control.

"COVID in Medan is under control, the positive rate of 20-30 people per day has decreased considerably. Those being treated have also significantly decreased, the number of being treated is only 1,100, COVID-19 is under control because of the preparation of Perwal (mayor regulation) 11 on quarantine, Perwal 27 on adapting new habits and thank God COVID-19 in Medan is under control, "said Akhyar Medan Pilkada broadcast on Youtube KPU Medan, Saturday, November 21.

This statement was made by Akhyar Nasution when answering a question about the strategy so that the opening of face-to-face schools starting January 2021 does not become a new cluster of COVID-19. Akhyar mentioned the importance of coordinating with education providers from the highest levels.

"We start from college first. If the condition is evaluated to be running well, we will enter SMA, SLTA and SD, TK, Paud. This is our strategy to play. We must save education. We will coordinate handling COVID-19 with parents, ”said Akhyar who is paired with Salman Alfarisi in the Medan Regional Head Election.

Meanwhile pair number 2 Bobby Nasution-Aulia Rachman talked about handling COVID-19 which must be done properly. Aulia Rachman, who was a member of the Medan City DPRD, revealed the findings of the problem of handling COVID-19 in Medan.

“The success, rather than suppressing the number of COVID-19, all returns to the leaders in Medan, I am the former chairman of Commission II of the DPRD, there are many findings related to the COVID-19 problem. We must pay special attention to COVID-19 fighters starting from doctors, nurses. Many of the findings we got, even their salaries were cut, made a weakness in handling COVID-19, "said Aulia.

In handling COVID-19, Aulia emphasized educating the public about the ins and outs of COVID-19. In addition, health facilities are strengthened in efforts to prevent COVID-19.

"Utilizing the infrastructure, starting from the health center, implementing health protocols, maintaining cleanliness, washing hands, keeping this distance is very influential on the number of handling COVID-19," said Aulia.