Medan Pilkada Debate: Bobby-Aulia Says Stunting In Medan Is Very Embarrassing, City Government Satire Unprofessional

MEDAN - Candidate pair number 2 Bobby Nasution-Aulia Rachman insinuated the case of stunting or the condition of child growth failure due to malnutrition in Medan City. For Aulia Rachman who was a member of the Medan DPRD, the stunting case is embarrassing.

“This stunting is very embarrassing for me. I am the former chairman of Commission II in the field of health, but in my area there are several cases of stunting and the highest is in Medan Deli sub-district, which is very embarrassing, "said candidate for deputy mayor of Medan Aulia Rachman during the Medan Pilkada debate broadcast on Youtube KPU Medan, Saturday, November 21 .

Aulia, who is also a Gerindra cadre, does not want similar incidents to happen again. Moreover, the data states that there are 491 cases of stunting in Medan City.

"In the future, we don't want this anymore, the budget for stunting is clear, but budget users are not good because it is a result of professionalism and the regional bureaucracy system is not good. We want to monitor the budget and utilize (for) breastfeeding mothers in the future so that we can provide assistance, "said Aulia.

Meanwhile, Bobby Nasution talked about stunting prevention patterns that started early, when the mother was pregnant. In addition, in the future, if elected in the Medan Pilkada, Bobby Nasution will activate Posyandu cadres who are given more incentives.

In a separate session, Akhyar Nasution, candidate number 1 for the mayor of Medan spoke about improving public services in Medan. Based on the community satisfaction survey, Medan City's public services are considered to be in the good category. Akhyar has served as deputy mayor of Medan and Acting mayor of Medan. Currently, Akhyar Nasution is on leave in the Medan Regional Head Election.

"Public services in the city of Medan are very good, population administration services have now been delivered to people's homes. There are no longer quotes, public servants are very good, our puskesmas is very active, our posyandu is active in serving the community, we will improve it again by preparing RS type C in Labuhan, "said Akhyar in the Medan Pilkada debate.