Get To Know The Dukan Diet For Weight Loss, The Menu Is High Protein And Low Carbohydrates
YOGYAKARTA – Dukan Diet, based on the name of its author, Pierre Dukan. This doctor and nutritionist prepares a high-protein and low-carbohydrate diet. At first glance, it may look similar to other types of diets, such as the keto diet. But the Dukan diet is based on how hunters and gatherers get their food.
The Dukan Diet, cited from Medical News Today, Thursday, August 25, includes 100 foods and all of them are protein or vegetable foods. A person who follows this diet can eat as much as he wants as long as he only eats 100 of these foods. Although claimed to be able to lose weight, but one study linked Dukan dieters with health complications, including kidney disease and liver disease.
According to the Dukan diet page, of the 100 foods that can be eaten as much as you like, there are 68 types of protein, and 32 are vegetables. It is based on the theory that eating lots of protein can lead to weight loss, so the body feels full longer and burns more calories. While limiting carbohydrates and fats can force the body to use stored fat for energy. At first glance, the Dukan diet is similar to the Atkin diet.
Following the Dukan diet requires four phases. The first, called the attack phase, in which the dieter eats foods from the 'pure protein' list. It aims to lose weight fast. At this stage, dieters are very likely to lose weight. Because it processes carbohydrates and water in the body which results in weight loss quickly. The attack phase lasts 2-5 days, but those who want to lose 20 kilograms need to do it for more than 7 days.
Sources of protein that can be eaten in the attack phase, are sources of lean protein. Among them are fish, chicken, eggs, soy, cottage cheese, and fat-free milk. Every day, carbohydrates are obtained from 1.5 tablespoons of fiber so that the body is full longer. Plus, have to drink 1.5 liters of water and exercise for 20 minutes a day.
The second, called the cruise phase, aims to lose weight and gradually eat 32 kinds of vegetables. The length of this phase depends on how many kilograms you want to lose. Every 3 days you can lose at least 1 pound or kilogram. Non-starchy vegetables that can be consumed in unlimited quantities include spinach, okra, lettuce, and green beans. Wheat bran consumed in this phase as much as 2 tablespoons and exercise 30-60 minutes every day.
Third, the consolidation phase is not aimed at losing weight but avoiding weight gain. Dieters who are undergoing the consolidation phase, can eat starchy foods but controlled. While the consumption of vegetables is still in unlimited quantities. Pure protein menu should be consumed once a week on the same day and mandatory exercise for 25 minutes every day.
Fourth, the stabilization phase is part of long-term maintenance. Dieters should not expect weight loss during this phase. One day a week, it is necessary to consume the menu in the attack phase. Then, eat wheat bran 3 tablespoons every day, exercise 20 minutes every day, drink 1.5 liters of water a day. In the stabilization phase, dieters can eat sweet foods in limited portions and spices.
In a 2014 study, this diet was proven to be able to lose weight. But the researchers noted a lack of nutrients in grains and fruits. According to health experts in the UK, the Dukan diet does not include a balanced nutritional menu and may lead to long-term health problems.
According to research, following the Dukan diet in the long term, can pose health risks such as kidney disease, liver disease, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease. If you want to go on this diet, it is advisable to consult a doctor or nutritionist to suit your health condition.