Prandelli Pede Will Be Offered A New Contract By Fiorentina In The Next 2-3 Months

JAKARTA - Cesar Prandelli has just started his second tenor to train Fiorentina since being appointed a week ago. He is now expressing his confidence that he will be offered a new contract by La Viola in the next 2-3 months.

Prandelli is the third coach Fiorentina has hired since the club transferred ownership to American tycoon Rocco Comisso in June last year.

Prandelli's predecessor, Giuseppe Iachini was fired on November 9 after less than a year as Fiorentina coach replacing Vincenzo Montella since December 23, 2019.

Prandelli was only given a contract whose duration expires at the end of this season and the trend of changing coaches has even raised the issue of who the potential replacement will be.

However, the former coach of the Italian national team dismissed these rumors and expressed confidence that he would be able to "force" Fiorentina to offer a new contract in the near future.

"They will offer me a contract extension after two or three months," Prandelli was quoted as saying by Reuters on Friday, November 20.

After all, Prandelli comes with a track record as the coach who has the longest tenor to handle Fiorentina, namely in the 2005-2010 duration.

In four of the five seasons, Prandelli has always succeeded in bringing Fiorentina to finish in the top half of the standings and even appearing twice in the Champions League.

His classy record at Fiorentina also led Prandelli to receive an offer to handle the Italian national team, which he occupied in mid-2010-2014.

After resigning from Gli Azzurri due to the failure at the 2014 World Cup, Prandelli wandered to Turkey to handle Galatasary, to Spain with Valencia and even the United Arab Emirates to coach Al-Nasr, before 2018 then returned to Italy to work in Genoa.

"In the last 15 years, Fiorentina has always been on my mind," said Prandelli.

"Wherever my feet go, I always love this club for the warm welcome I have always received and how much they have given me. I hope to give as much in the next few months," he concluded.

Prandelli inherited 12th-placed Fiorentina in the standings and won only two of the first seven games of the season, with the other three being defeats, under Iachini.

Prandelli's second tenor starts with a match against Benevento on Sunday.