The Governor Of South Sulawesi Responds To The Minister Of Home Affairs' Instructions On Sanctions For Regional Heads For Prokes Violators: Punishing People With Signs

MAKASSAR - Governor of South Sulawesi (Sulsel) Nurdin Abdullah responded to Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian's instructions regarding enforcement of health protocols (prokes) to prevent COVID-19. Nurdin talked about the tough sanctions the Minister of Home Affairs touched on for regional heads who were found to have violated the COVID-19 health protocol.

"Me, we have to look wiser, because punishing people has signs. Unless the signs are removed and deleted, they change, ”South Sulawesi Governor Nurdin told reporters in Makassar, Thursday, November 19.

For Nurdin, who is familiarly called Prof. NA, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian's instructions must be translated wisely and wisely. Rules related to sanctions must also be looked at thoroughly.

"Because they also have the right to defend right, that's why making decisions to punish people we have to look from the beginning. The process we see about the rules we can give, "said Prof. NA.

Previously Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian issued Minister of Home Affairs Instruction Number 6 of 2020 concerning Enforcement of Health Protocols for Controlling COVID-19.

Reported by Antara, Thursday, November 19, Director General (Dirjen) of Regional Administration Development (Adwil) Safrizal said, in his instructions, the Minister of Home Affairs warned of sanctions for regional heads who ignore their obligations as regional heads.

There are several points instructed by the Minister of Home Affairs to all regional heads in the Minister of Home Affairs Instruction Letter Number 6 of 2020.

"First, consistently enforce the COVID-19 health protocol to prevent the spread in each area in the form of wearing masks, washing hands properly, maintaining distance, and preventing crowds that could potentially violate the protocol," he explained.

Second, continued Safriza, regional heads were instructed to take proactive steps to prevent transmission of COVID-19 and not only act responsively or reactively. To prevent is better than to act.

Prevention can be carried out by humanist means and action including crowd dispersal is carried out in a firm and measured manner as a last resort.

Third, regional heads as the highest government leaders in their respective regions must be role models for the community in complying with the COVID-19 health protocol, including not participating in crowds that have the potential to violate health protocols.

"Fourth, that according to Law No. 23/2014 on Regional Government, regional heads are reminded of the obligations and sanctions for regional heads," he said.

Safrizal explained the sanctions stipulated in the Regional Government Law. He said, Article 67 letter b, the Regional Government Law states that they comply with all provisions of statutory regulations.

So, said Safrizal based on instructions in the fourth dictum, regional heads who violate the provisions of the legislation can be subject to sanctions up to dismissal.

This effort is in order to continue to maintain discipline in upholding health protocols so that the efforts that have been achieved can be improved.