Two Confessions Of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo That Were Pocketed By Komnas HAM

JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komas HAM) said it had received the confession of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo regarding the premeditated murder case against Brigadier J. Starting from his role as the mastermind of the crime to orders to block the investigation process.

"He (Sambo, ed) admitted two things. He was the one who planned the murder," said Komnas HAM chairman Ahmad Taufan Damanik when confirmed, Saturday, August 20.

Then, the two-star general was said to have claimed to be the mastermind of the obstruction of justice. He gave orders to eliminate evidence to create a scenario.

The storyline or scenario created to cover up the murder by designing it as if Brigadier J died in a gunfight with Bharada Richard Eliezer aka Bharada E.

"He is the mastermind of the obstruction of justice by destroying the crime scene, eliminating evidence, making scenarios as if there was sexual violence at the official residence," he said.

"Then there was a shootout between Barada E and Joshua and disinformation. Those are the two main things he admitted during his investigation with us," continued Taufik.

Apart from Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, in the case of Brigadier J's murder, the Special Team has named four other suspects. They include Bharada Richard Eliezer, Bripka RR, and Strong Maruf.

Most recently, the Timsus also named Putri Chandrawathi or the wife of Ferdy Sambo as suspects. They were charged with Article 340 subsidiary Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) and Article 56 of the Criminal Code.