Bobby Nasution: Medan Is Down, But Don't Be Apathetic

MEDAN - Candidate for the mayor of Medan number 2 Bobby Nasution again talked about the downturn in Medan. The son-in-law of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) hopes that this condition does not make people apathetic.

"Medan is in a slump, but this condition should not make us apathetic," said Bobby Nasution as quoted from Instagram bobbynst, Thursday, November 19.

Because of that, Bobby who was paired with Aulia Rachman in the Medan Pilkada initiated the Medan Berkah collaboration. Collaboration was emphasized by Bobby to be the key to fixing Medan City so that it could compete with other cities.

"Bang Aulia Rachman and I are optimistic that we can create a blessed, advanced, and prosperous Medan City," he said.

The Medan Blessing concept was expressed by Bobby-Aulia during the Medan Pilkada debate, Saturday, November 8. Bobby revealed the condition of Medan City which is said to be very bad in terms of public services.

"The Medan Berkah collaboration is a solution to solving fundamental problems in the city of Medan, a problem that makes Medan a pseudo metropolitan city. Floods, potholes, garbage everywhere, poor public services, educational facilities, bad health facilities all have spent trillions of budgets every year. This is also exacerbated by the actions of corruption and extortion in the city of Medan which never ends, ”said Bobby Nasution.

The Medan Berkah collaboration, continued Bobby, resulted in a vision of realizing a blessed, advanced and conducive City of Medan. Blessings according to Bobby Nasution were achieved through city development that was beneficial to the people of Medan without corruption and extortion.

"The condition of the city is how to ensure that the people of Medan must be comfortable in carrying out their daily activities," continued Bobby.

Meanwhile, the deputy mayor of Medan Aulia Rachman conveyed the mission of the Medan Berkah collaboration.

"In the future, Medan must have a religious character, religion is related to the faith of the community, we will increase the income of the magrib reciting teachers, the week of the Koran, as if the week is the same," said Aulia.