Tanah Abang Buser's Plan Wants To Trap The Theft Perpetrators By Bringing Retainers, But Instead, The Target Is Attacked With Knives

JAKARTA - Tanah Abang Metro Police Chief AKBP Haris Kurniawan confirmed that two busers from the Tanah Abang Metro Police were injured as a result of being stabbed by a suspect who stole a stolen motorbike in the Jatiuwung area, Tangerang City. One of the victims was a high-ranking non-commissioned officer in the Police.

"The two members (the stabbing victims) had the initials Bripka DH and Aiptu BS. They were injured in the left arm and right thigh," said AKBP Haris when confirmed by VOI, Friday, August 19, afternoon.

Currently, continued the police chief, the condition of the two victims is still undergoing intensive treatment at the National Police Hospital, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta.

"Both of them are being treated at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, they have been treated and are under treatment," he said.

Furthermore, AKBP Haris Kurniawan said, the stabbing incident began when its members were developing a motorcycle theft case in the Tangerang area.

"Members initially arrested the perpetrators of the theft here (Jakarta), then expanded to collectors in the Jatiuwung area," he said.

After arriving in Jatiuwung, members of the police who are currently carrying out developments met with the perpetrators.

"(The perpetrator) was provoked to meet the perpetrator (who had been arrested), as soon as he was ambushed he (the intermediary) put up a fight, our members hit him," he said.

Previously reported, as many as four people became victims of stabbing carried out by three collectors of stolen motorcycles (curanmor) during development.

Two of the four victims were members of the Tanah Abang Police Sector.

Tangerang City Metro Police Chief, Kombes Pol Zain Dwi Nugroho said two police officers with the initials PH suffered stab wounds in the right thigh and BS in the left shoulder. Meanwhile, two civilians J and TF suffered three stab wounds.

"Two police officers from the Tanah Abang Sector Police and two civilians were stabbed by the perpetrators of the stolen motorbikes," said Zain when confirmed, Friday, August 19.

"The stabbing victim is currently receiving treatment at the Anisa Hospital, Tangerang City, and 2 people have been referred to the Kramatjati Hospital," he continued.

Zain also explained that the incident occurred on Jalan Aryawangsakara, Cibodas, Tangerang City, Thursday, August 18, at 21.00 WIB.