The Cost Of Treating COVID-19 Is An Average Of IDR 184 Million Per Person, Prevention Is Much Cheaper

JAKARTA - The percentage of cases that died from COVID-19 (fatality rate) in Indonesia this week fell to 3.26 percent from 3.34 percent the previous week. This can be interpreted that health workers (health workers) have done their best in treating positive patients with COVID-19, especially COVID-19 patients who have comorbidities.

The high commitment of health workers must also be supported by the community to prevent transmission of COVID-19, through the discipline of implementing 3M (wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining a safe distance).

"The impact of preventing the transmission of COVID-19 through 3M is tremendous. Apart from helping health workers, it also reduces the burden on the capacity of the care room at the COVID-19 Emergency Hospital," explained dr. Reisa Broto Asmoro, Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force in a statement received, Thursday, November 19.

He said this during the Spokesperson's Dialogue and Ambassador for Adaptation of New Habits held by the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN), Monday, November 16.

To find out the further economic impact of contracting COVID-19, Prof. Dr. dr. Hasbullah Thabrany, Professor of the Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia, said that the cost of disease is expensive. From COVID-19 alone, according to him, the cost could be up to IDR 600 million.

"A survey in 9 provinces in Indonesia to assess the cost of treating COVID-19, found that the highest cost was Rp. 446 million. The average cost spent treating one COVID-19 patient was Rp. 184 million, with an average length of stay of 16 days of hospitalization. "said Prof. Hasbullah.

Prof. Hasbullah emphasized that disease is a disaster that can be prevented. Prevention is done by changing behavior and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

"Therefore, do not easily blame God if we are sick. God will not give someone calamity or reward and sustenance regardless of the extent of his efforts. So COVID-19 is actually a disease that can be prevented, through the application of 3M discipline. Moreover, we know that after sick, we can't work, "he explained.

In the dialogue, Prof. Hasbullah also emphasized that COVID-19 poses a burden and harms the country. Until now, the treatment of COVID-19 patients is still the responsibility of the state, which uses APBN funds for handling it.

State expenditure reached IDR 800 trillion (APBN, APBD, and village funds) for medical treatment and economic recovery programs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If the community is disciplined in carrying out the 3M movement, state losses can be reduced, and other impacts of COVID-19 cases will also decrease.

"If we use washable cloth masks, the costs are very cheap. Maybe one day it will not reach Rp. 5,000. But once infected with COVID-19, let's say that one day of our income is Rp. 100,000, as long as we are treated for 15 days, we lose one and a half million. rupiah. It is better for us to spend Rp. 5,000 a day and strive for 3M discipline, rather than losing one and a half million. This is what we have to think about for a long time. Don't just think for today or tomorrow, "explained Prof. Hasbullah.

Explaining about the COVID-19 vaccine that is being prepared, Prof. Hasbullah stated that vaccines are definitely cheaper than treating or treating. By being vaccinated, according to him, it will be able to benefit all parties, not being exposed to the virus and we will not transmit the virus to other people.