The Tasks Of The Preparatory Committee For Indonesian Independence, Know The History Of Its Formation And List Of Members

YOGYAKARTA - Remembering the history of Indonesian independence, of course, cannot be separated from the history of the organizations that played a role at that time. Two well-known names of organizational bodies are BPUPKI and PPKI. The task of the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence was to continue the work after BPUPKI was dissolved.

The task of PPKI was very important in the struggle for Indonesian independence during the Japanese colonial period. The making of PPKI was initiated and inaugurated by the Japanese government at that time. At the beginning of its formation, PPKI consisted of 21 people. Then it added up without the Japanese knowing.

Insights about PPKI have been taught since elementary school level. But now many have forgotten, and children today do not know it. To remember it again, the following is the task of the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI).

Tasks of the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence

The tasks carried out by PPKI are the same as those of BPUPKI. PPKI carries out its duties in the interests of Indonesian independence. PPKI's duties include the following.

1. Drafting and Ratifying the National Constitution

PPKI has the task of drafting and ratifying the Indonesian constitution. Basic State is needed because a country must have a constitution that regulates it.

The State Constitution ratified by PPKI at that time was used as a government guideline in carrying out state duties. In addition, the Constitution is also used as a guideline and way of life for the Indonesian people. The state constitution in question is Pancasila as stated in the preamble to the 1945 Constitution.

2. Drafting and Passing the Constitution

PPKI also has the task of drafting the Indonesian constitution, namely the 1945 Constitution. The 1945 Constitution was established as the state constitution of Indonesia through the PPKI session on August 18, 1945.

The constitution is the legal basis of the state that describes the direction and system of state administration. The constitution is a legal norm that is under the basis of the state. The 1945 Constitution must go through a long process to be accepted as a legal basis in Indonesia.

3. Preparing and Forming a Government

PPKI also has the task of compiling and forming a government to prepare for Indonesian independence. PPKI chose and determined Ir. Soekarno and Moh. Hatta as president and vice president.

After the determination of state leaders, PPKI also determines the duties, authorities, and functions of the president and vice president in a country or government. Not only that, PPKI also determines the duties of state institutions as representatives of the Indonesian people.

4. Clarify Indonesian Territories

The division of Indonesia's territorial boundaries is also the task of PPKI. At the time of independence, Indonesia did not have a fixed territory. Indonesia was only divided into two regions after independence.

PPKI is tasked with determining the division of the territory of the Indonesian state. Starting from the boundaries of the region and the provinces of each region. The determination of this area aims to clarify the parts that are included in the territory of Indonesia.

History of Indonesian Independence

Prior to the PPKI, BPUPKI was an organizational body that was first formed and inaugurated for the purpose of preparing for Indonesian independence. BPUPKI was inaugurated by Emperor Hirohito on April 29, 1945.

At its second session, August 7, 1945, BPUPKI was officially disbanded because it was considered to have succeeded in carrying out the task of drafting the Indonesian Constitution.

The Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence or PPPKI was formed after BPUPKI was dissolved. PPKI was inaugurated by General Terauchi on August 9, 1945 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. National figure Ir. Soekarno, Moh. Hatta, and Dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat was present at the inauguration.

Japan's initial goal of forming PPKI was to attract the sympathy of Indonesian leaders to help Japan in the Pacific war in 1943. Japan gave Indonesia the promise of independence.

PPKI Member List and Organizational Structure

PPKI consisted of 21 members at the beginning of its formation. PPKI members come from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds in Indonesia. 12 ethnic Javanese, 3 ethnic Sumatran, 2 ethnic Sulawesi, 1 ethnic Maluku, 1 ethnic Chinese, 1 ethnic Kalimantan, and 1 ethnic Nusa Tenggara.

Ir. Sukarno was elected chairman of the PPKI. He then led PPKI members to carry out their duties. The following is a list of PPKI members and their membership structure.

Soekarno – chairman Moh. Hatta – vice chairman Mr. Dr. Soepomo – member of KRT Radjiman Wedyodiningrat - member of KRT Radjiman Wedyodiningrat - member of P. Soeroso - member of Soetardjo Kartohadikoesoemo - member of Kiai Abdoel Wachid Hasjim - member of Ki Bagus Hadikusumo - member of Otto Iskandardinata - member of Abdoel Kadir - member of Pangeran Soerjohamid Amir – member of Abdul Abbas - member of Teuku Mohammad Hasan - member of GSSJ Ratulangi - member of Andi Pangerang - member of A. Hamidan - member of I Goesti Ketoet Poedja - member of Johannes Latuharhary - member of Yap Tjwan Bing - member

But then, without the knowledge of the Japanese, PPKI members increased by 6 people, namely:

Achmad Soebardjo – advisor to Sajoeti Melik – member of Ki Hadjar Dewantara – member of AA Wiranatakoesoema – member of Kasman Singodimedjo – member of Iwa Koesoemasoemantri – member

Those were the tasks of the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence. The insights conveyed above are important to recall the history of Indonesia's independence and to commemorate the services of the heroes.

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