Get To Know The Golf Caddy Profession: From Tasks, Requirements, To Salary

YOGYAKARTA - Maybe you are one of the people who have heard the term golf caddy. For ordinary people, golf caddy is always associated with work related to golf, exclusive, sexy clothes, to jobs that make a lot of money. This assumption is not completely wrong, but the meaning is not that simple. Then, what is a golf caddy? How is the job description?

Knowing What the Golf Caddy's Job

Golf caddy is a term for assistant golf players. This profession is not only done by women, but also men. The female golf caddy is usually called the golf girl, while the male golf caddy is called the golfer.

A golf caddy will always accompany golf players when playing in the field. Their job is to help golf players from setting up tools, picking up balls, to measuring the course.

Being a golf caddy must be able to interact with golf players or golfers while on the course, they must also be friendly, and willing to obey the golfer's orders in the context of work professionalism.

Golf Caddy's Task

There are many jobs that a golf caddy is responsible for. In general, the duties of the golf caddy are as follows.

Come early

Becoming a golf caddy must be disciplined, especially regarding time. They have to arrive earlier than the golfers to prepare everything.

Cleaning stick

The golf caddy must also ensure that the golf clubs are available and clean for the convenience of the golfer.

Seeing field conditions

The golf course is made as natural as possible. Therefore, sometimes there are obstacles that arise in the field, both natural and human factors. To prevent these obstacles, the golf caddy must ensure the course is in good condition.

Counting balls

Golf ball is something that is important in this sport. Therefore the golf caddy must ensure the number and condition of the balls are in good condition.

Know the rules of golf

A caddy must also have knowledge of the ins and outs of golf, starting from the distance of each hole, understanding the selection of the correct golf club. Sometimes it is this knowledge that makes a golf caddy a golf athlete.

Make sure everything is smooth

The golf caddy must also ensure smooth golf play, especially in terms of equipment. The reason is, a simple mistake can have a big impact on the course of the game.

Requirements to be a Golf Caddy

To become a golf caddy, there are qualifications that must be met. Although each company applies different qualifications, in general the requirements for being a caddy are as follows.

Good posture No glasses Physically and mentally healthy Can communicate well Know the ins and outs of the game of golf complete with equipment.

Apart from these requirements, companies usually include additional rules regarding appearance, marital status, and much more.

Golf Caddy Salary

Caddy golf is associated with the sport of golf which is known to be exclusive. But will being a golf caddy also make caddy suddenly rich?

Taken from various sources, the salary that the golf caddy gets varies depending on the region and company policies.

In the Jabotabek area, for example, the salary offered for caddy is usually around IDR 5 to IDR 6 million per month. But there are also those who provide salaries from IDR 5 million to IDR 10 million per month.

However, there are also those who only get a small salary even below the minimum wage, but the tips they receive are quite large. Quoted from, usually, the tips he gets vary, from IDR 250 thousand to millions.

Some even get tips of up to IDR 15 million in just one month. Big tips are usually obtained when there are big tournaments.

After knowing what a golf caddy is, are you still interested in pursuing this profession? Get interesting information at VOI.ID.