Robbery Of Rp336 Million In State Money In The LPDB Program, Former Chairman-treasurer Of Bangkit Rangkasbitung Cooperative Becomes A Suspect

LEBAK - The head of the Lebak District Attorney's Office (Kejari) Sulvia Triana Hapsari said that two managers of the Bangkit Rangkasbitung Cooperative were named suspects in the 2012-2013 Revolving Fund Management Agency (LPDB) corruption case amounting to Rp. 2.5 billion.

"The state money loss based on an examination by the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) amounted to Rp336 million," said Sulvia in Lebak, Antara, Thursday, August 18.

The two suspects from the Bangkit Cooperative management have the initials KA and AF as former chairman and treasurer.

The Bangkit Cooperative, whose members are all employees of the Lebak Regency Ministry of Religion, received the LPDB program for the Indonesian Employees Cooperative (KPRI) in 2012-2013.

The LPDB program amounted to Rp. 2.5 billion, but the suspect did not distribute it to its members, resulting in a loss of state money of Rp. 336 million.

"We are currently delegating the corruption case to be tried immediately," he said.

He said his party was committed and focused on eradicating corruption.

Currently, during January-August 2022, only two corruption cases have been handled by the Bangkit Cooperative.

The two suspects were charged with Article 2 paragraph (1) Junto Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Crime of Corruption as amended and supplemented by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts Corruption Jo Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.