Confusion Of Violation Of Health Protocol During Rizieq's Program, Gibran Is Also Carried Out

JAKARTA - Yesterday, the organizing committee for the birthday of the Prophet and the marriage of Rizieq Shihab's child and the FPI DPP legal team fulfilled the police summons to clarify the alleged violation of the health protocol.

Entering the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation Building at Polda Metro Jaya, they held one principle. FPI will comply with all legal proceedings if the police also take action against a crowd of candidates for Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming when registering their nominations for the 2020 Pilkada on September 4.

"We obey the law and we don't ask for privilege. But, we ask for justice. We also ask for processing (the crowd) beforehand, including the delivery of Gibran as a candidate for mayor of Solo who did not keep his distance," said the Secretary for legal aid from the Islamic Defenders Front (DPP). FPI) Aziz Yanuar, Wednesday, November 18.

When the police are reluctant to crack down on crowds in the 2020 Pilkada stages, according to them, the law becomes one-sided. "Does the law only apply to Habib Rizieq? Right not. This law applies to all. We ask that it be enforced, including to the authorities. That's what we are asking for," he continued.

FPI Leader Rizieq Shihab (Irfan Meidianto / VOI)

Unfortunately, the view of the Police is not the same as FPI. Police Public Relations Division Karopenmas, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono asked not to equate the case of the crowd of Rizieq Shihab's child marriage ceremony with the crowd during the registration of 2020 Pilkada nominations by Gibran Rakabuming in Solo.

Awi views that mass gathering during the candidate registration stage until the 2020 Pilkada Simultaneous campaign period is a matter for the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu).

"Do not confuse the case with this. The issue of the 2020 Pilkada registration stage is a matter for the supervisor, Bawaslu. Case by case do not equalize," said Awi at Police Headquarters.

"The case is different from the TKP. If you are there (Pilkada Solo), please confirm with the Bawaslunya. Where is the TKP, please," he added.

Furthermore, Awi explained that the issue of regional elections is constitutionally regulated in statutory regulations. There are also derivative regulations in the form of KPU regulations to the announcement of the Chief of Police that are arranged in such a way.

Awi's opinion is similar to that of the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) Commissioner, Viryan Aziz. Viryan considered Anies' action comparing the Rizieq crowd to the physical campaign crowd at the 2020 Pilkada Serentak stage was inappropriate.

"In my opinion, such a view seems inaccurate when compared. If it becomes a basis for legitimacy, our society will be increasingly undisciplined," Viryan said when contacted.

Viryan admitted that during the registration period for the pair of candidates last September 4 to 6, there was a crowd. However, since then, the KPU and the government have improved the standard of health protocols, the meaning of which cannot be repeated.

In fact, if there are still crowds in the implementation of the 2020 Pilkada campaign, these activities will be sanctioned by Bawaslu. The sanction is in the form of a written warning or dissolution.

"When after September, we all have improved the discipline of health protocols. If at this time there are activities that violate discipline and then draw the narrative (comparison) of the Pilkada crowd last September, we are also worried that everyone will return to undisciplined discipline," explained Viryan.

VOI tried to ask for a response to this matter from the Chairperson of the Solo City PCIP DPC, FX Hadi Rudyatmo, and the Chair of the PDIP Election Winning Body, Bambang Wurayanto. The two of them have not responded to messages until now.

However, at the Business World Dialogue in the Purwosari area, Solo, Gibran spoke about FPI's desire to process mass gatherings when he registered as a candidate for regional head.

Quoted from Detikcom, Gibran admitted that he was ready to be reprimanded by Bawaslu if there was a violation of health protocols during the election stages during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although, he admitted that there were attempts to limit the capacity of those who attended.

"If the first registration from the PDIP DPC is guarding it according to the number, under 50 people. What is clear, if there is something wrong with us, we are ready to be reprimanded by Bawaslu," said Gibran.