Why Did Veteran Investor Lo Kheng Hong Buy Intiland's Stake In Property Developer Owned By Conglomerate Hendro Gondokusumo?

JAKARTA - Seasoned investor Lo Kheng Hong is officially listed as a shareholder of more than 5 percent of property developer owned by conglomerate Hendro Gondokusumo, PT Intiland Development Tbk (DILD).

Based on data from the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI), as of August 12, 2022, Lo Kheng Hong was recorded to hold 651,416,700 DILD shares or 6.28 percent. The day before, or as of August 11, 2022, the man referred to as Warren Buffet Indonesia has not been registered as a DILD shareholder of 5 percent or more.

Capital market participant Lukas Setiaatmaja uploaded a post on his Instagram account @lukas_setiaatmaja, regarding how Lo Kheng Hong finally bought up DILD shares.


- https://voi.id/economy/174027/uang-investor-kawakan-lo-kheng-hong-pernah-ilang-90-persen-saat-berinvestasi-di-saham-tapi-saya-masih-kaya-dengan -10-percent-the rest

- https://voi.id/economy/172189/investor-kawakan-lo-kheng-hong-tak-belief-jika-harga-saham-usaha-bagus-jangan-akan-naik

- https://voi.id/economy/169578/investor-kawakan-lo-kheng-hong-sebut-saham-dalam-cepatan-investasi-terbaik-tapi-hal-ini-belum-dibelii-sedalam-large-society -Indonesia


In the upload, Lukas wrote that Lo Kheng Hong knew exactly what shares he bought.

"Lo Kheng Hong knows what he buys...," explained Lukas, quoted on Tuesday, August 16.

"He has seen most of the DILD projects firsthand before deciding to become a substantial shareholder (more than 5%), not only in Jakarta but also in Surabaya. Prudent stock investors ...," wrote Lukas who is also the author of Lo Kheng Hong's book: Poor People Who Become Trillionaires on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.