South Tangerang Police Examine 5 Witnesses In Case Of Alleged Theft Of Chocolate And Shampoo At Alfamart Cisauk Tangerang

TANGERANG - The South Tangerang Police Criminal Investigation Unit has examined five witnesses related to cases of alleged theft and intimidation. It aims to find out the truth of the case.

"Today, we have received a report regarding the chocolate theft that went viral at the Alfamart in the Sampora area, in Cisauk. So far we have also examined five witnesses related to the report," said South Tangsel Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Aldo Primananda Putra, Monday afternoon, 15 August.

"What we clarify from Alfamart is everything at the crime scene (TKP)," he continued.

Aldo explained, the results of the examination revealed that the reported took chocolate and shampoo which were put in his bag. After carrying the two types of goods, the woman went to her car, a Mercedes Benz, without making any transactions for the two items.

"Then it was put in a bag, after that the reported party was found to have not made the payment and went straight to the car," he said.

Previously, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Tangerang Police, AKP Aldo Primananda Putra, explained the alleged theft of chocolate by Mariana, a Mercedes Benz driver in South Tangerang, Saturday, August 13.

According to AKP Aldo, the two videos circulating, namely the video of Mariana holding the chocolate and the video apologizing, took place on different days.

The first video of Mariana's mother carrying unpaid chocolates took place on Saturday, August 13th. While the apology video took place on Sunday, August 14. During that time, there are facts that have not been revealed.

"It happened on Saturday (August 13), then an apology from Alfamart employees on Sunday (August 14) in the afternoon," AKP Aldo told reporters at the South Tangerang Police, Monday, August 15.

Aldo said all the incidents were recorded on Alfamart surveillance cameras or CCTV. They are currently investigating the alleged theft and threats.