Anies Baswedan Compare Rizieq Crowd With Pilkada, KPU: Not Quite Right

JAKARTA - The Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) commissioner, Viryan Aziz, responded to the statement by DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan comparing crowd handling made by FPI leader Rizieq Shihab with the implementation of the 2020 Pilkada.

Viryan considered Anies' action comparing the Rizieq crowd to the physical campaign crowd at the 2020 Pilkada Serentak stage was inappropriate.

"In my opinion, this view seems inaccurate when compared. If it becomes a basis for legitimacy, our society will be less disciplined," Viryan said when contacted, Tuesday, November 17.

Viryan admitted that during the registration period for the pair of candidates last September 4 to 6, there was a crowd. However, since then, the KPU and the government have improved the standard of health protocols, the meaning of which cannot be repeated.

In fact, if there are still crowds in the implementation of the 2020 Pilkada campaign, these activities will be sanctioned by the Election Supervisory Agency. The sanction is in the form of a written warning or dissolution.

"When after September, we all have improved the discipline of health protocols. If at this time there are activities that violate discipline and then draw the narrative (comparison) of the Pilkada crowd last September, we are also worried that everyone will return to undisciplined discipline," explained Viryan.

As is well known, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan responded to the opinion that he was not strict with the violation of the health protocol of the masses of FPI leaders because they did not prevent crowds.

When mentioned about this, Anies spoke about the simultaneous regional elections 2020. According to Anies, the DKI Provincial Government is still more proactive in reminding the importance of health protocols compared to the implementation of the 2020 Pilkada.

"You see Pilkada throughout Indonesia is taking place, are there any (official) letters reminding the organizers of the importance of adhering to health protocols?" said Anies.

Anies then talked about the prosecution that was carried out by imposing a sanction of Rp. 50 million from the Prophet Muhammad's birthday and the wedding ceremony that was held by Rizieq was right.

"When there is a violation of the health protocol, the violation is dealt with as soon as possible. In less than 24 hours, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government enforces the rules. This means that those who violate must be dealt with," explained Anies.