Minister Of Transportation Encourages Universities And Privates To Explore Opportunities To Create Unmanned Vehicles

JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi encourages universities and the private sector to continue to explore opportunities and challenges in presenting autonomous vehicles in Indonesia.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Transportation when he was the keynote speaker in a webinar themed “Glancing at the Prospects of Autonomous Vehicles in Indonesia: Opportunities and Challenges”, which was held by President University Cikarang, Saturday, August 13.

The Minister of Transportation explained that there are a number of challenges faced in order to increase the use of autonomous vehicles in Indonesia, including: road readiness, internet network, environmental conditions, regulations related to roadworthiness technical matters, and the implementation of vehicle testing.

"Currently we are compiling and continuing to finalize the regulations," said the Minister of Transportation in a written statement.

The Minister of Transportation said that this autonomous vehicle or driverless vehicle is an intelligent transportation system (ITS) that will become the transportation of the future.

A number of advantages of this vehicle are quoted from the McKinsey Global Institute and TU Delf Research in Electric and Automated Transport 2019, namely: having certainty and timeliness, reducing carbon emissions, congestion, fuel consumption by up to 15 percent, and also reducing the accident rate due to human error. reached 40 percent.

"It takes collaboration from all relevant stakeholders, both academics and the private sector, to create a conducive climate so that this autonomous vehicle can be realized," said the Minister of Transportation.

Meanwhile, the Director of PT. Jababeka, Tbk Sutedja Sidarta Darmono expressed his support for realizing the presence of autonomous vehicles in Indonesia.

According to him, it is necessary to develop infrastructure that supports the growth of the autonomous vehicle ecosystem, one of which is strengthening the internet network. "With the 5G internet connection, we can get the opportunity to enter the era of autonomous vehicles," he said.

He added that currently his party is developing a new initiative by creating Jababeka Silicon Valley or Correctio, collaborating with a number of parties, namely the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indogen Capital, and PT Bisa Artifisial Indonesia.

This area was built in order to support government programs to realize industry 4.0 through the introduction of new technologies, including the utilization of the internet of things (IoT), augmented reality, autonomous vehicles, and so on. Its existence is expected to create an environment and ecosystem that supports the use of technology that is more efficient and sustainable

Previously, in May 2022, the private company Sinar Mas Land launched an autonomous electric vehicle called Navya Arma, which was operated at two location points, namely Q Big BSD City and the BSD Green Office Park area.

In line with that, the government is also preparing the construction of a new capital city in East Kalimantan with a “green and smart city” concept, prioritizing the use of new and renewable energy that is environmentally friendly, including the use of electric and autonomous vehicles.