'NTT Weaving Is Not Inferior To Michaelangelo Or Leonardo Da Vinci's Work,' Viktor Laiskodat Asks NTT Residents To Love Weaving

KUPANG - Governor Viktor B Laiskodat emphasized that East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is a province rich in various weaving motifs and other natural resources, so it is not a poor province. The community, according to the number one person in NTT, should be proud.

“Weaving in NTT is not cheap. This NTT weaving has penetrated to the international world," he said in Kupang when opening the 2022 Exotic Weaving Festival, Antara, Friday, August 12.

Various woven motifs from the island-based province have entered prestigious fashion shows in Milan, France and London. However, he regrets that even though it has reached the international community, NTT weaving has not been loved for its prowess by the NTT people themselves.

Viktor said that many people think that weaving is a handicraft, but instead he calls it an intellectual work.

"This intellectual work is done by weaver mothers with methods and meanings that have been carried since thousands of years ago but can produce an artistic class that is second to none," he added.

Viktor even compared this so-called invaluable weave with the Mona Lisa produced by Leonardo Da Vinci and Michaelangelo Buonarroti who produced the famous painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

"This is not inferior to Michaelangelo or the work of Leonardo Da Vinci," said Viktor.

He also explained the method of making NTT's original weaving, whose motifs are in the imagination of the weavers but the standard is always the same and has been passed down from generation to generation.

"This is not a craft, this is the intellectual work of NTT women because NTT people are indeed smart and indeed lose when transferring knowledge from other regions," he said again.

Weaving ikat needs to be appreciated by being used every day by the people of NTT themselves and based on their experience this work is highly admired by various countries. Viktor, who uses TTU's typical weaving, also promoted NTT weaving to be used in large institutions that are sheltered in NTT such as the Ministry of Finance and the Financial Services Authority.

According to him, product marketing needs to be adjusted with a good narrative such as advantages and disadvantages to be able to increase product sales.

"Nothing can last long without propaganda. Propaganda to market weaving through existing culture and attractions," he added.