PSI Wants Anies, NasDem Interpellation: What Else Do You Want?

JAKARTA - The chairman of the NasDem Party faction at the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Wibi Andrino, refused to follow the steps of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), which wanted to roll out the right of interpellation to DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan.

PSI became the party that initiated the proposed interpellation right because Anies was judged to have allowed a crowd of events organized by FPI leader Muhammad Rizieq Shihab.

Wibi viewed that the DPRD did not need to propose the right of interpellation by asking Anies for an explanation about not dispersing the crowd of followers of FPI leader Rizieq Shihab.

"We don't have any plans for interpellation. We think we see that the governor has carried out what he wrote in the Pergub, has appealed to him, has made a fine. So, what else?" said Wibi when contacted, Tuesday, November 17.

According to Wibi, the subject of violating the health protocol in this case was Rizieq Shihab. Anies, said Wibi, had a regional apparatus assigned to supervise and take action in the field.

"Why do we take care of Mr. Anies?" his smallpox.

Wibi understood the attitude of the Jakarta Provincial Government that did not disperse the crowd activity. There is a potential for clashes between residents and officials if the Prophet's birthday and the wedding ceremony in the Petamburan area are dissolved.

"Do we want to forcibly disband? These are the masses, you know. We both know that if there is a forced dissolution there will be clashes. If there is chaos, who will be harmed? Polda Metro and Pemprov DKI understand that then take cool steps first," said Wibi.

As previously reported, the Jakarta DPRD PSI faction will issue an interpellation right. The right of interpellation is a request for information to the governor regarding strategic policies that have a broad impact on people's lives.

Member of the PSI faction, Anggara Wacitra Sastroamidjojo, assessed that this was necessary because Anies was considered to have ignored the event held by Rizieq and recently caused the spotlight because of the crowd without health protocols.

He assessed that Anies should have known that the wedding ceremony for Rizieq's son, Najwa Shihab, as well as the Prophet's birthday, which was held on Saturday night, November 14, would create a crowd that could lead to the transmission of the virus. However, he seemed to ignore it.

"The governor has no intention of enforcing the rules he made himself. Therefore, the governor's actions can be categorized as endangering the lives of thousands of Jakarta residents," said Anggara.

In the DKI Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2014 concerning the Rules of Procedure for the DKI DPRD, the right of interpellation is proposed to the DPRD leadership. Requirements for submitting this right are proposed by at least 15 DPRD members and more than one faction.

The form of the right of interpellation is a plenary meeting with the agenda of the proposer being given the opportunity to give an oral explanation. Then the other DPRD members gave their viewpoints. Furthermore, the governor gave an explanation of the issues raised.