Pertalite Crisis In Sight, The Government Must Prepare A Backup Plan

JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, highlighted the issue of subsidized fuel oil (BBM), especially Pertalite which burdens the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN). There must be a contingency plan or a backup plan for the distribution of subsidized fuel.

"DPR hopes that the government will move quickly to prepare a contingency plan when the Pertalite quota is really critical," said Puan, Thursday, August 11.

Pertalite consumption is approaching the subsidy quota limit. The Pertalite quota that has been set by the government this year is 23.05 million kiloliters (KL) and it is estimated that it can only be distributed until September 2022. As of July alone, Pertalite consumption has reached 16.8 million KL.

The high consumption of Pertalite occurs due to the abolition of Premium type fuel. For this reason, the contingency plan needs to be accompanied by an increase in the fuel subsidy budget for the people who really need it.

"Moreover, in a number of areas there has been a shortage of Pertalite and has made it difficult for the community," continued Puan.

The state must not allow the lower middle class to be forced to spend more due to the difficulty of obtaining fuel.

“Obviously, this will burden the small community, especially those whose livelihoods are very dependent on Pertalite fuel. Extra ordinary steps need to be taken to overcome the Pertalite crisis,” said Puan.

On the other hand, the fuel subsidy has actually sucked the APBN up to Rp502 trillion and is in danger of swelling because the Pertalite consumption figure is predicted to increase. Puan also urged that the program to limit the purchase of subsidized fuel be implemented immediately.

"In order not to burden the APBN even more but also to reach the lower middle class, limiting the purchase of subsidized fuel could be a good solution," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Puan asked the Government and related stakeholders to socialize more massively on the Targeted Subsidy Program. In addition, he asked the government to quickly issue regulations related to restrictions on subsidized fuel.

"That way, subsidies from the Government, including the allocation of additional budgets, are truly targeted at being given to people who are entitled to receive them," concluded Puan.