Ojol Rates Rise, DPR Reminds About Service And Safety Guarantees

JAKARTA - Online motorcycle taxi (ojol) rates have been adjusted or increased. Commission V of the DPR also reminded ojol application companies to improve services with the increase in tariffs.

"We encourage online motorcycle taxi application companies to improve service standards and guarantee safety and security for consumers in line with the rising cost of online motorcycle taxi services," said Chairman of Commission V of the DPR RI, Lasarus, Wednesday 10 August.

The increase in online motorcycle taxi fares was approved by the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) through the Minister of Transportation Decree No. KP 564/2022 concerning Guidelines for Calculation of Fees for Using Motorcycles Used for Public Interest by Applications which took effect on August 4, 2022.

The zoning system still applies to the latest Ministry of Transportation regulations regarding online motorcycle taxi fares as applied to the old rules. The cost components that make up the fare above consist of direct costs, namely costs incurred by the driver-partner and include the driver-partner's profit.

In addition, there are also indirect costs, namely the rental fee for the use of application company applications, which is a maximum of 20 percent. Lasarus highlighted the significant increase in ojol service tariffs in Zone II (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi).

"The increase in the cost of online motorcycle taxis in Zone II will certainly have an impact on increasing the burden of transportation costs for people who use this application, especially for the lower middle class," he said.

“Especially in Jabodetabek, ojol has become public transportation that is widely used by all groups, including students. Of course, this increase is quite burdensome," said Lasarus.

The legislator from the West Kalimantan II Dapil also asked for a periodic evaluation of the implementation of this new rule. In particular, said Lasarus, regarding the quality of services provided by service providers and the responsibilities of online motorcycle taxi application companies.

"The welfare of online motorcycle taxi driver partners must also be an evaluated component. Don't let the increase in fees only benefit application companies, but only a little additional income for the drivers," he said.

Furthermore, Lasarus asked online motorcycle taxi application companies to consistently implement the driver-partner welfare insurance program for the long term. Not only work safety guarantees, but also health and welfare guarantees when driver partners are no longer productive at work.

"Online motorcycle taxi application companies must think about the sustainability of the welfare of online vehicle drivers in their twilight years. It must be prepared early on, “said Lasarus.

Therefore, Commission V of the Indonesian House of Representatives in charge of transportation affairs appreciated the online motorcycle taxi application companies that collaborated with BPJS Employment in the Employment Accident Insurance (JKK), Death Benefit (JKM) and Old Age Security (JHT) benefit programs for driver partners.

"Continuously disseminate it so that driver partners can make the best use of the BPJS Employment program," he said.

Lasarus added that online motorcycle taxi application entrepreneurs should pay more attention to health services for driver partners.

"I see the BPJS Health program for driver-partners has not been maximized. Even though the driver profession is quite old because many are on the streets. So the health service program must be optimized," concluded Lasarus.