Ridwan Kamil Wants Patimban Port To Be More Organized Than Tanjung Priok

JAKARTA - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil does not want Patimban City in Subang Regency, West Java to only focus on developing its port area. However, he wants Patimban to be a liveable city or a liveable city that can be lived in.

"We want to see Patimban not only focus on the port. The port is the prima donna but the economic area must be built. Therefore we propose that Patimban be designed as a city. It will be the largest and most sophisticated," he said in a webinar, Monday, November 16.

Ridwan Kamil said the West Java provincial government, with the permission and direction of the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, wanted to build a future futuristic city in Patimban. This area will be inhabited by around 1 million people.

"If there are 1 million inhabitants, there must be a blue collar, a white collar, there are people living and working there and so on, including areas. This is the vision of the Maritime City of Patimban, one of 13 new cities in the super region of Tambourine, "he said.

Furthermore, Ridwan said that the first stage of the Patimban development would be inaugurated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) next month. If the proposal to make a futuristic city is accepted, he does not want Patimban to be in the same boat as Tanjung Priok.

According to Ridwan, the structure of the Patimban area will be much better than the port in North Jakarta, which is less organized spatially, resulting in less than optimal economic turnover.

"Hopefully, if we approve this, it will not happen like Tanjung Priok. The port is functioning but the spatial plan to Tanjung Priok is not well organized so it is not optimal," he said.

Ridwan also said he wanted to make Patimban a world-class pilot. Where, he said, industrial estates are not only filled with factories but also liveable like other cities.

"Like cities in general. There is a square, there is (like) Jalan Sudirman-Thamrin, there is golf, recreation and so on, but the heart of its activities is the economy at the port," he said.

This plan is not just an ideal. Ridwan said that on Wednesday, November 18, he would conduct groundbreaking for Subang Smartpolitan covering an area of 30 thousand ha, which is one of 13 new cities in the Cirebon, Patimban and Majalengka (Rebana) areas.

"This is a historic event, how the Rebana area with Patimban as the prima donna of its economic locomotive is not a fairy tale, it is not far off, but it is close. This will groundbreaking 30 ha on Wednesday to initiate the spirit of economic recovery, the spirit of the center of Java's economic corridor," he said. .