3 Toddler Brothers In Padang Died By Drowning In Ranah Parak Rumbio River

PADANG - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) stated that three younger siblings were found dead in a river in Ranah Parak Rumbio Village, South Padang District.

Head of Emergency and Logistics for BPBD Padang, Basril, said the three victims were the children of Hendri (48) who works as a driver and Mariati (42).

"The victims are twins named Rahma Mai Putri (4), Rahmi Mai Putri (4), and the youngest child Romi Ichsan who is more than two years old", he said as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 9.

From the data collected, the incident began when the three children went out to play as usual at 07.00 WIB. However, until 08.00 WIB the three children did not return home.

The victim's mother panicked trying to find her child, she also asked residents to join in the search through a messaging application.

At around 14.00 WIB some residents saw the children's clothes lying on the river bank and informed the families of the victims.

"Residents and their families went straight to the river and searched. The bodies of the three victims were found there floating in the river", said Basril.

Meanwhile, the South Padang Sub-District Head, Jasman, added that when they could not find their child, the victim's parents had also reported to the police to help find the child.

"From the information we got, this child went to play outside the house but did not come home. Parents who knew about this immediately looked for their children but did not find it", he said.

Some residents find the child's clothes and notify the parents and go straight to the location where the child is suspected to be.

Finally, the three were found and the youngest child victim was taken to the Army Hospital (RST) Reksodiwiryo Padang City to confirm her condition while the other two victims were immediately taken to the funeral home.

"So far, the information is that the three children died from drowning, but later it is the police's authority to determine the cause of the death of the three children", said Jasman.