The Gus Dur Faced Buddha Statue Controversy

JAKARTA - Abdurrahman Wahid's concern for minority groups is second to none. The man who is familiarly called Gus Dur dared to join forces to defend the rights of minorities. Gus Dur often invites the public to respect each other's beliefs.

People then dubbed Gus Dur as the father of pluralism. Praise him a lot. In fact, one artist even immortalized it in a Buddha statue with the face of Gus Dur. Instead of praise, the owner of the statue is considered to be blaspheming religion.

Many people misinterpret pluralism (understand diversity). This understanding is considered by everyone as the estuary of error. Every religion is seen as the same. In fact, if you understand pluralism more deeply, the narrative that many people understand is not quite right.

Gus Dur observed the phenomenon. He emphasized that pluralism is an understanding to have the courage to accept differences from the majority to the minority. Mainly, people should be able to understand that each religion has different teachings. However, differences are not the main reason for sparking conflict.

Pluralism is considered as the main foundation for the Indonesian people to live side by side. Mutual understanding within the frame of tolerance. That is, that difference is actually a strength. Which, differences can lead all Indonesians to the true phrase of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika: different but one.

Residents wear masks depicting the 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) and dress up in typical religious clothing during an action to welcome Gus Dur's 9th Haul in Solo, Central Java, Friday, February 22, 2019. (Antara/Maulana Surya)

Gus Dur's commitment to defending minorities was evident. When you become the number one person in Indonesia, moreover. It is able to accommodate the rights of minorities. All regulations that lead to discrimination against certain ethnic groups are immediately abolished. For Gus Dur, he was dubbed the Father of Indonesian Pluralism.

“Gus Dur is a miracle, so a sentence that appears in cyberspace alias the internet. Miraculous because he is not afraid to fight every attempt to oppress minorities. He is the father of pluralism. This term was not only uttered by Gus Dur's friends-whether they testified on television or not--but also President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono when he was the inspector of funeral ceremonies: Mr. Pluralism is gone."

“Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X is in the same vein: no character can replace him. The King of Yogya was not alone in that view. If this statement is intended as a compliment to Gus Dur, it is indeed pleasing to hear. Because Gus Dur should have obtained that right. However, if this pessimism implies the extinction of people with pluralist views, this is really concerning for us, the Balinese, Chinese citizens, Buddhists, Confucians, Hindus, and who knows what else," said Putu Setia in his writing in Koran Tempo entitled Lilin Gus Dur (2012).

Gus Dur Buddha Statue

Gus Dur's actions in defending minorities were well received by the wider community. His fans are many. One of the sculptors from Magelang, Cipto Purnomo. He even went so far. To him, Gus Dur and Buddha looked similar. Both are considered figures who carry good values.

His admiration for Gus Dur did not stop. He accepted an invitation from the owner of the Mendhut Studio, Sutanto, to make a special statue to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Gus Dur's death. Like being challenged, Cipto looked for inspiration in 2010.

It's really hard to find ideas. Ideas sometimes come without time. However, his capacity as a citizen who lives in the area around Borobudur Temple cannot be doubted. The idea came to him.

He got a weird idea. He chose to make a statue of a Buddha figure. He also combines the body of the Buddha and the face of Gus Dur. The statue is called Sinar Hati Gus Dur.

Gus Dur and Pope John Paul II meeting at the Vatican. (The Wahid Institute)(

Instead of getting praise, the work was flooded with criticism. Criticism comes from many parties. Some Muslims think that Gus Dur cannot be symbolized as a 'monopoly' of Buddhism. Because, Gus Dur is a great Kiai for Muslims.

So are the Hindus. They deplore the act of juxtaposing Gus Dur like a Buddhist holy figure. Finally, the statue is no longer on display. In order to protect the feelings of other religious people.

“The Eye of the Heart of Gus Dur statue by Cipto Purnomo has drawn controversy. The work displayed in the Multisesigusdurism cultural arts degree at Mendut Studio on February 5, 2010 has a Buddhist body with a dhyanimudra hand position, but the head of Gus Dur complete with thick glasses.”

"The statue, which was made to commemorate the forty days of the death of the NU cleric and the former president of the Republic of Indonesia, made the Central Executive Board of Theravada Indonesia file a protest because it was deemed to have insulted the symbol of Buddhism," concluded Deni Junaedi in the book Aesthetics: The Path of Subjects, Objects, and Values (2016) .