Change A Healthier Lifestyle, These 6 Ways Help Prevent Kidney Stones

YOGYAKARTA – When hard mineral deposits form in the kidneys, it causes excruciating pain as the deposits pass through the urinary tract. This condition, called kidney stone, affects up to 12 percent of Americans.

Kidney stones can be experienced repeatedly. Once a person has one kidney stone, they are 50 percent more likely to get another kidney stone in the next 10 years. In preventive measures, there is no one sure way, especially if you have a family history of kidney stone conditions. To reduce the risk of kidney stones, launched Healthline, Monday, August 8, here are ways to prevent and healthy lifestyles that must be lived.

1. Make sure your body is hydrated enough

Drinking plenty of mineral water is the best way to prevent kidney stones. If you drink less, you will pass less urine. This means that urine is more concentrated and less likely to dissolve urine salts, which can potentially cause stones. In a day, it is recommended to drink about eight glasses of drinking water. If you exercise a lot or sweat, or if you have a history of kidney stones, you need to drink more water.

Illustration of causes and symptoms of kidney stones (Freepik/Brgfx)
2. Consumption of foods containing calcium

The most common type of kidney stone is calcium oxalate stone. This is what makes many people believe that they should avoid eating calcium. But a diet low in calcium can increase the risk of kidney stones and osteoporosis. Then how to prevent it? You need to choose foods over calcium-containing supplements. Such as low-fat milk, low-fat cheese, and low-fat yogurt.

3. Eat less sodium

Reducing the consumption of salty or sodium-containing foods can reduce the risk of kidney stones. According to the Urological Care Foundation, too much salt in the urine prevents calcium from being reabsorbed from the urine into the blood. This leads to high urine calcium, which can lead to kidney stones.

This means eating less salt to help keep urinary calcium levels lower. Because the lower the urinary calcium, the lower the risk of developing kidney stones.

4. Eat less oxalate-rich foods

Kidney stone deposits, in some cases formed from oxalate. Oxalate is a naturally occurring compound found in food that binds to calcium in the urine. Limiting rich in oxalate, can help prevent kidney stones. What foods are rich in oxalate? These foods include spinach, chocolate, coffee, nuts, soy products, sweet potatoes, and beets.

5. Eat less animal protein

Foods high in animal protein are acidic and can increase urine acidity. High urine acid can cause gout and calcium oxalate kidney stones. Foods that need to be limited or avoided include beef, poultry, fish, and pork.

6. Avoid vitamin C supplements

According to a 2013 study, men who took high doses of vitamin C supplements doubled their risk of developing kidney stones. To be safer and the body gets enough micronutrients, choose natural foods that contain vitamin C rather than drinking supplement drinks.

In addition to the six ways above, you can prevent kidney stones by eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. If you experience symptoms of kidney stones, talk to your doctor immediately and ask for the best recommendations for your health.