Cianjur Tourism Objects Experience An Increase In Thousands Of Visitors On Weekends

JAKARTA - The Department of Youth and Sports Tourism (Disparpora) Cianjur, West Java, recorded an increase in the number of visits to a number of natural attractions that are widely found in the southern and northern regions of Cianjur, reaching 50 thousand tourists every weekend.

Head of Disparpora and manager of Cianjur tourism object, Pratama Nugraha said the increasing number of tourist visits from Jabodetabek dominated a number of tourism objects such as Cibodas Botanical Gardens, Savilage, Taman Bunga Nusantara and campgrounds in the northern region.

"For the southern area of Cianjur, Cemara Beach, Jayanti, Ocean View Karangcut and waterfalls in several sub-districts such as Curug Luhur, Curug Citambur, Curug Ngebul and Curug Cikondang. The increase has occurred since the last few months, especially on weekends," said Pratama Nugraha, quoting Antara, Sunday, August 7th.

The increase in the number of visits has occurred since the last month, especially after the socialization, through a number of activities such as exhibitions and promotion of tourist attractions, followed by Cianjur MSME superior products which were held simultaneously in the context of the 345th anniversary of Cianjur City.

To increase the number of visits, the local government is also intensifying the construction of road infrastructure to tourist attractions with a target of 1,000 kilometers of concrete roads starting from the north to the south, which are integrated with the improvement of provincial roads.

"Previously the highest number of visits every weekend from all tourist destinations ranged from 20 thousand to 25 thousand tourists, but throughout July the number increased to 50 thousand every weekend," said Pratama.

The manager of the Cibodas Park campsite, Deden Ipey, said that tourist visits have increased every weekend and weekdays have occurred since the last month, the count per week can reach 2,000 people who enjoy their holidays in tents standing next to the river.

"Natural tourism such as camping areas has been loved by many tourists since the pandemic began to decrease, including the atmosphere of waterfalls. During this week, we received many orders from tourist groups from Jabodetabek," he said.