PLN Builds First Inter-Island Transmission In Sulawesi

JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) has accelerated the construction of the 150 kV Raha–Baubau High Voltage Air Line (SUTT) network. The construction of this network is to improve the reliability of Muna Island electricity through a network that connects Buton Island and Muna Island in Southeast Sulawesi.

General Manager of PLN Sulawesi Main Development Unit (UIP), Defiar Anis said his party is synergizing with stakeholders such as the Class II Baubau Port Authority and Port Authority (KSOP) and the Kendari Class III Navigation District to support the smooth running of one of these National Strategic Projects." Synergy continues to be carried out by PLN in the completion of the construction of the 150 kV Raha-Baubau SUTT. Especially for the network that crosses the sea in the waters of the Buton Strait, PLN is collaborating with the KSOP Class II Baubau and the Class III Navigation District Kendari in conducting a survey to obtain a sea crossing permit," he said in an official statement, Saturday, August 6.

He continued, in the construction of the 150 kV Raha-Baubau SUTT network, his party will build 278 towers which are divided into 2 sections, namely section 1 (GI Raha - TIP 141) and section 2 (TIP 141 - GI Baubau). Especially for section 2 of TIP 231-232, it will cross the sea which is the main route of water transportation.

The Head of Operation Section of Kendari Class III Navigation District, Kamaluddin Latumanggi confirmed the existence of a PLN transmission network plan that will cross the Baubau crossing shipping lane. It will provide support in the construction of this infrastructure.

“In connection with the planned construction of a transmission network that will cross shipping lanes and crossings in Baubau, the Kendari Class III Navigation District Team and Baubau Class II KSOP have conducted a joint survey with PLN where we took the coordinates of the crossing tower as well as measuring tides. sea water as a technical consideration and recommendation in issuing sea crossing permits," he explained.

"We, who are involved in carrying out the joint survey, always support PLN in completing this infrastructure development, especially related to shipping safety supervision," he added.

Overall progress for the 150 kV Raha-Baubau SUTT work has reached 73.31 percent. PLN continues to make every effort to accelerate the completion of the first 150 kV inter-island transmission network project in Sulawesi.