Hidayat Nur Wahid: Those Who Misinterpret Islam And Indonesia Need Guidance

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Hidayat Nur Wahid (HNW) said that those who have so far misinterpreted Islam and Indonesia do not understand history, so they need to be guided.

In a statement received by Antara in Jakarta, Sunday, November 15, HNW acknowledged that the harmony and unity that the entire Indonesian nation aspires to is still often disturbed because there are some people who still hold Islamophobic and Indonesiaphobic attitudes.

This was conveyed by HNW online at the National / National Leadership Gathering, a collaboration between the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly and the Indonesian Mosque Youth Youth Communication Agency (BKPRMI) at Barakah Meeting Point (BMP) Jl. AH Nasution No.185, Yosodadi, East Metro District, Metro City, Lampung Province, last Saturday.

In fact, he said, both Islamophobia and Indonesiaphobia, each of them has the potential to tear apart harmony and unity.

According to him, the criminalization that often afflicts the ulama is proof that Islamophobia is still flourishing in Indonesia because they think that Islam and Indonesia have nothing to do with it.

They also believe that Muslim leaders benefit because of their capacity as the majority group, even though their roles and services are not commensurate with the privileges they enjoy.

"This is an erroneous assessment, because they do not study history. As a result, they do not know how much sacrifice and involvement of ulama and Muslims in Indonesia's struggle. Ignorance of history, as well as the services of ulama to the Republic of Indonesia must be straightened out so that hatred does not become more dangerous, become embers in the husk, "said HNW.

Rectification, said HNW, also needs to be done for Muslims who still maintain an Indonesian attitude of phobia that arises because of their lack of understanding of history and limitations in understanding the correct religious teachings.

This narrow view, according to him, makes them think that other groups who disagree are kafir, bid'ah and thagut, even though NKRI is the result of jihad and ijtihad by the ulama.

Therefore, he said, it should have been if Muslims were to protect and defend the Republic of Indonesia properly, not neglect or even destroy it.

"Both groups that are Islamophobic and Indonesiaphobic, both must be straightened out so as not to repeat their mistakes. As Pancasila converts and converts to the Republic of Indonesia, both should be guided, so that they can better understand Islam and Indonesia properly," said HNW.

In addition, ahead of the simultaneous regional elections in December, the politician from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) did not forget to remind the public to also use their voting rights wisely.

"Choose a candidate whose origins and thoughts are clear. Do not choose a leader candidate whose capabilities and track record are not clear, and do not exchange voting rights for something cheap, because losses and regrets must be borne for five years," he said.

Also attending the event were the Chairman of BKPRMI Metro City Hadi Kurniadi and Metro City community leaders Ustad Nasriyanto, as well as Islamic economics lecturer IAIN Metro Dharma Setiawan as accompanying speakers.