China Stop Imports Of Frozen Food From 109 Countries

JAKARTA - China's Ministry of Customs (GAC) contacted 109 countries that supply frozen food to convey the suspension of imports from these countries after it was found that products contaminated with COVID-19.

To these countries, GAC said it would increase supervision of imported products, said CCTV, China's official broadcaster, Saturday, November 14.

The suspension was carried out after the discovery of COVID-19 content in imported frozen food products in five different places on Friday and Saturday.

The five places are Wuhan (Hubei Province), Jinan and Liangshan (Shandong Province), Quanzhou (Fujian Province), and Lanzhou (Gansu Province).

However, the GAC did not name the 109 countries on the import suspension list.

However, on Friday, the GAC announced that it was suspending imports of cuttlefish from Indian companies after the discovery of COVID-19 in the three packages of frozen fish.

Since June, more than 10 provinces in China, including Beijing, Liaoning, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Shandong, Guangdong, Shaanxi and Jiangsu, have seen COVID-19 in several imported food samples.

To prevent transmission of COVID-19 from imported food, the Chinese Government Council (Cabinet Council), Monday (9/11), has instructed the use of disinfectants on all frozen food before it is put on the market.

All equipment in the warehouse for imported products must also be sterilized, including storage areas and transportation vehicles.

Wu Zunyou, Head of Virology at the Center for Controlling and Controlling Diseases of China (CCDC), reminded the need for testing imported products in the winter cargo system to detect COVID-19 content.