Waiting For DKI Provincial Government's Promise To Return ASN Allowances Detained Due To The Pandemic

JAKARTA - The DKI DPRD has asked DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan to return the remaining ASN DKI regional performance allowances (TKD) involved in handling COVID-19. TKD has been detained since mid-2020 to be transferred to handling COVID-19.

Initially, Anies cut DKI ASN TKD by 25 percent due to diverted handling of social assistance due to COVID-19. Then, the TKD payment of the next 25 percent of TKD was postponed until next year due to the lack of income from DKI.

So, starting from April to December 2020, ASN in all regional work units (SKPD) DKI has only received 50 percent.

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan (Photo: DKI Jakarta Public Relations)

The deduction and postponement of the ASN TKD was carried out to align the target of rationalization of the DKI Jakarta Regional Budget which is estimated at IDR 47.2 trillion which will be decided in the middle of this year.

It turns out that when the APBD was determined for the 2020 budget year, the 2020 DKI Regional Budget reached IDR 63.23 trillion. With the excess of the use of this budget, the DPRD encourages the DKI Pemprov to return 25 percent of the detained TKD.

"Whether we realize it or not, they are our heroes in Jakarta. They are in direct contact with the community during a pandemic like this," said DKI DPRD Chairman Prasetio Edi Marsudi on Friday, November 13.

Chairman of Commission A DPRD DKI Mujiyono also proposed that the remaining APBD ceiling be used to finance the needs of the Task Force for Handling COVID-19, starting from the service ranks to the RT / RW level.

"If there is still anything left, we suggest that the provincial government pay TKD in full for field officers who are dealing directly with the handling of COVID-19. Especially commission A partner officers, namely Satpol PP, Damkar and urban village heads," said Mujiyono.

DKI Provincial Government's Promise

Responding to this encouragement, the Head of the DKI Regional Civil Service Agency (BKD), Chaidir admitted that his party had processed the return of TKD ASN, especially for those who were directly involved in handling COVID-19.

Meanwhile, ASNs that have not had direct contact with the handling of the pandemic will still receive 25 percent TKD deductions and 25 percent TKD postponed will still be paid in 2021.

Chaidir said that currently the heads of SKPD and regional apparatus organizations (OPDs) are given the opportunity to propose the name of ASN whose TKD will be paid 100 percent.

"Each head of the regional apparatus proposes the name, employee identification number, position, rank, class and place of assignment. If the proposal has been submitted and has been verified, then TKD is paid normally without rationalization," said Chaidir when contacted by VOI, Saturday, September 14. .

Chaidir said that this name proposal can be submitted no later than November 18, 2929. This refers to the Regional Secretary Circular Number 52 of 2020 which regulates the submission of civil servant proposals that are exempted from income rationalization.

"This is also in accordance with the decision of the DPRD Budget Board meeting. The SKPD clusters can be given 100 percent of the payment," he concluded.