One Harley-Davidson Rider Who Attacked A TNI Member Will Be Tried Immediately
JAKARTA - The investigation file for one suspect in the case of the beating of two TNI soldiers with the title BS (16) has been transferred to the Bukittinggi District Prosecutor's Office. BS is a group of Harley Owner Group (HOG) Siliwangi Bandung Chapter Indonesia.
The Head of Public Relations of the West Sumatra Regional Police, Kombes Satake Bayu, said that this transfer was following the completion of the suspect's investigation file alias P21. Thus, soon BS will undergo trial. Given, the prosecutor has 14 work to prepare the indictment.
Meanwhile, the files of the other four suspects with the initials MS (49), JA (26), RHS (48), and TR (33) are still being completed by investigators in accordance with instructions P19 from the Public Prosecutor of the Bukittinggi District Prosecutor's Office.
"In the near future it will also be submitted to the prosecutor," said Satake Bayu in Padang, as reported by Antara, Saturday, November 14.
He said the child suspect was facing the law or was a minor, and had been processed in accordance with the juvenile justice system.
He said that the implementation of the second phase showed the seriousness of the Bukittinggi Police in following up the case which was done properly and correctly.
He said the child suspect was suspected of being charged with Article 170 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) 1e jo 351 jo 55 jo Law No. 11 of 2012 on the juvenile criminal justice system.
Meanwhile, the four suspects were adults under Article 170 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) 1e jo 351 jo 55 of the Criminal Code.