National Police Chief Transfers 'Heads' Inspector General Ferdy Sambo After Brigadier J's Death, Moved To Headquarters Service

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has transferred a number of 'men's of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo in the aftermath of the bloody incident that killed Brigadier J. It was recorded that 8 members of the Propam Division were transferred for investigation.

The mutation was stated in the Secret Telegram Letter (STR) number 1628/VIII/Kep/2022, dated August 4, 2022.

The eight people were Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan, Brigadier General Benny Ali, Kombes Denny Setia Nugraha and Kombes Agus Nur Patria.

Then Commissioner Chuck Putranto, Commissioner Baiquni Wibowo, and AKBP Arif Rachman Arifin. Including, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

They were all transferred to the Yanma (Headquarters Service) section of the National Police.

"Those who were transferred as Pamen Yanma Polri are under investigation by Irsus Timsus," said Head of the Public Relations Division of Polri, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, to reporters, Thursday, August 4.

However, Dedi did not convey the reason behind their mutation. It is suspected that they were directly or indirectly involved in the case of the death of Brigadier J.

Later, they will undergo a professional code of ethics trial. If proven to have committed a violation, of course, sanctions according to the rules will be given.

"If there is evidence of a violation of ethics, it will be examined if it is proven that a criminal violation, as the National Police Chief said, will be processed according to the procedure," said Dedi.

Previously, the National Police Chief stated that his Irsus team had examined 25 personnel behind the bloody incident that killed Brigadier J. In fact, three of them held the rank of Brigadier General (Brigjen) or one star.

Then, there are also five Kombes, three AKBP, two Kompol, seven Panma, and five NCOs and enlisted. Dozens of police personnel who were examined were called from various units.

"From the Propam Division, Polres and Polda Bareskrim," said Sigit.