Said The Police Regarding The Bill On The Prohibition Of Alcoholic Drinks And The Crime Rate Due To Alcohol

JAKARTA - The National Police also commented on the discussion of the Draft Bill on the Prohibition of Alcoholic Drinks (RUU Minol) in the DPR.

Karo Penmas, Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono, said that in several cases handled, some of them were motivated by consuming alcoholic drinks.

But apart from this, the discussion of the bill was emphasized by the National Police to fully hand it over to the DPR.

"If allowed, we will give an illustration, indeed in some criminal cases there are things that have the background because of alcohol," Awi told reporters, Friday, November 13.

Referring to police records, from 2018 to 2020 there were at least 223 cases with the background of drinking. Usually cases of narcotics to street crimes.

"So these cases are usually for example cases of rape, after the suspect is suspected of drinking alcohol positively, then related to crimes," he said.

In the Bill, there will be criminal threats for those who produce, import, store, distribute, and / or sell alcoholic drinks.

As for the alcoholic drinks that are prohibited from being classified based on the group and their levels are as follows:

a. Group A alcoholic drinks are alcoholic drinks with an ethanol (C2H5OH) content of more than 1% to 5%.

b. Group B alcoholic drinks are alcoholic drinks with ethanol (C2H5OH) content of more than 5% to 20% and

c. Group C alcoholic drinks are alcoholic drinks with an ethanol (C2H5OH) content of more than 20% to 55%.

Apart from alcoholic drinks based on the group as intended in paragraph 1, alcoholic drinks are prohibited which includes:

a. Traditional and alcoholic drinks

b. Mixed or mixed alcoholic beverages