Bank Owned By Conglomerate Hary Tanoesoedibjo Earns IDR 34.88 Billion Profit In Semester I 2022

JAKARTA - The banking company belonging to the conglomerate Hary Tanoesoedibjo, PT Bank MNC Internasional Tbk (BABP) recorded a net profit of IDR 34.88 billion in the second quarter of 2022. This value grew 629.21 percent year on year (yoy) compared to the second quarter of 2021 of IDR 4.78 billion.

The company's net profit achievement was driven by an increase in interest income which grew 15.28 percent, from IDR 465.86 billion in the second quarter of 2021 to IDR 537.02 billion in the second quarter of 2022. This increase was due to an increase in loans disbursed.

Loans disbursed grew from IDR 7.70 trillion to IDR 9.68 trillion in the second quarter of 2022, or grew by 25.74 percent. On the other hand, interest expense fell quite drastically, which was down 23.00 percent, from IDR 273.33 billion to IDR 210.47 billion in the second quarter of 2022.

MNC Bank continues to improve the composition of Third Party Funds. In the second quarter of 2021, the composition of low-cost funds or current account and saving accounts (CASA) increased from 24.45 percent to 25.03 percent.

CASA MNC Bank in the second quarter of 2022 was recorded at IDR 2.99 trillion, an increase of 23.43 percent compared to the second quarter of 2021 which was IDR 2.43 trillion.

This growth was higher than the growth in time deposits which reached 19.65 percent and was driven by the success of MNC Bank's programs and products, such as Tabungan Dahsyat and the digital service MotionBanking whose features and services are growing rapidly.

Rita Montagna, Director of MNC Bank, stated that even though the world economy is facing the Russia-Ukraine problem, the Indonesian economy is still growing. This can be seen from the macro indicators that remain positive, mainly driven by the commodity sector.

"This growth is a factor in the increase in lending, especially from the commercial segment. Going forward, MNC Bank will continue to develop attractive programs such as Tabungan Dahsyat, offering competitive loan interest rates for customers and providing the best products for all customers. , including the development of the MotionBanking feature," she said in a written statement.

In terms of financial ratios, the Bank, which is identical to the gold color, continues to succeed in reducing the Gross Non-Performing Loan (NPL) from 4.82 percent in the second quarter of 2021 to 4.11% in the second quarter of 2022. Meanwhile, the Net Interest Margin (NIM) ) MNC Bank grew significantly to 5.23 percent which was previously at 3.74% in the same period.

MNC Bank's capital adequacy ratio is also getting stronger. MNC Bank's Minimum Capital Adequacy Ratio (KPMM) is at the level of 21.12% as of June 2022, compared to 14.50% in June 2021.

"We continue to be committed to always implementing the precautionary principle and a strong emphasis on risk management while still prioritizing and improving the quality of service to all customers," continued Rita.

From the digital service line, MNC Bank has just added the Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS) feature in the MotionBanking application. This feature was added after MNC Bank obtained permission from Bank Indonesia (BI) as the operator of payment transaction processing activities through the Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard – Merchant Presented Mode (QRIS MPM).

This service will be one of the mainstay features of MotionBanking. With payment services using QRIS in MotionBanking, users can enjoy the convenience of transacting at QRIS merchants throughout Indonesia, directly from the application.

In addition, MNC Bank has also integrated MotionPay into MotionBanking. With this integration, the customer's banking experience will be smoother because it allows customers to view balances and make transfers from the MotionBanking application. Lastly and most importantly, customers can now also open deposits online in the MotionBanking application.

Through this feature, MotionBanking offers convenience and flexibility for its users to open deposits anytime anywhere, just via a smartphone.

These features further complement the existing MotionBanking features, namely online/digital onboarding account opening, transfers, bill payments, biometric logins, e-wallet top ups, credit card payments to credit card installment applications with zero percent interest. Thanks to the maximum use of technology, MotionBanking now has a significant number of users.