The Role Of The Attorney General's Office PPK As A Suspect In The Building Fire Case

JAKARTA - Bareskrim Polri explained the role of the three new suspects behind the fire case in the Adhyaksa Corps building. One of them is the role of the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) of the Attorney General's Office (AGO), who is said to refer to consultants arbitrarily.

"The IS suspect who became the AGO's PPK in choosing a planning consultant was not in accordance with the provisions, choosing a planning consultant who was inexperienced," said the Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri, Brigadier General Ferdy Sambo, told reporters, Friday, November 13.

Even though the appointment of a planning consultant is very important. Because, the consultant is related to the installation of Aluminum Composit Panel (ACP) on all sides of the building.

Meanwhile, suspect J, who is a consultant for PT IN, is said to have not checked the building before installing the ACP. Even after studying the background, he did not have any rich experiences.

"His role was that he did not survey the building conditions first. Then he did not have experience as an ACP planning consultant," he said.

Finally, the suspect MD (previously MAI) played the role of the person who gave the order to buy a top clener brand of dust cleaner. He also borrowed the name PT APM to win the procurement tender at the AGO.

"MD, one of which, borrowed the flag of PT APM. So all of his activities are this MD suspect. Second, he ordered to buy the top cleaner brand of lobby oil," he said.

Regarding the role of the three suspects, investigators have suspected Article 188 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 letter 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code. They face imprisonment of more than 5 years.

Previously, the Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, said that investigators had named three new suspects in the case of the Adhyakasa Corps building fire. Of the three suspects, one of them is the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) of the Attorney General's Office (AGO) with the initials IS.

"Based on the title of the case, the investigators have identified 3 suspects, namely MD, with the initials J, and the initials IS. So there are three suspects," Argo told reporters, Friday, November 13.

Meanwhile, the other two suspects are parties outside the AGO. They are the party in the procurement of dust cleaner and Aluminum Composit Panel (ACP) cleaning fluids.

In this fire case, the Police have named 8 suspects. 5 of them are construction workers with the initials T, H, S, K, and IS. They were named suspects for violating the no smoking rule in the personnel bureau hall.

While the other 3 namely, UAM as the foreman, R who is the Director of PT APM and the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) of the Attorney General's Office, NH.