Jakarta PSBB Is Transitioning, But Don't Forget The Rules And Sanctions On This Health Protocol
JAKARTA - During the transitional PSBB period in Jakarta, many mass gathering activities were carried out, ranging from demonstrations to religious activities.
People who take part in mass gathering activities need to remember the existence of rules, prohibitions, and sanctions related to the health protocol that was in effect during the transitional PSBB period.
The implementation of the COVID-19 prevention protocol covers six structures, namely individuals, schools and / or educational institutions, places of worship, workplaces, public places / facilities, and public transportation facilities.
First, Article 7 Paragraph (3) letter a of the DKI Governor Regulation Number 51 of 2020 states that everyone who lives / is domiciled in the DKI Jakarta Province in the following activities:
a. mandatory to use a mask outside the home
b. carry out the healthy living (germas) community movement through the implementation of the COVID-19 prevention protocol
Meanwhile Article 8 Paragraph (1) states that every person who does not carry out the obligation to wear a mask while on the move / activities outside the home is subject to social work sanctions in the form of cleaning public facilities or an administrative fine of IDR 250 thousand.
In learning activities at schools or educational institutions, Article 11 stipulates that the person in charge of schools and / or other educational institutions in carrying out teaching and learning activities must comply with the following conditions:
a. implement health protocols in school areas and / or other educational institutions
b. wearing a mask
c. take body temperature measurements for all participants
students and educational staff
d. wash hands with clean water and soap before
and / or after activities
e. apply a safe distance between students and personnel
education at least 1 meter
f. cleaning the area of educational institutions
g. perform disinfection on floors, walls and surfaces of objects / goods in the area of educational institutions
h. create and announce the integrity pact and COVID-19 prevention protocol.
Every management of an educational institution who does not fulfill its obligations will be subject to a sanction in the form of a written warning. The imposition of sanctions is carried out by the DKI Education Office.
In religious activities, Article 12 stipulates that administrators and / or persons in charge of houses of worship that carry out religious activities must comply with the following conditions:
a. the number of users of places of worship is at most 50 percent of the capacity of places of worship
b. implementing health protocols in areas of places of worship
c. measuring body temperature for all users of places of worship
d. notify each user of a house of worship to bring their own worship equipment
e. implement a safe distance between users of places of worship of at least 1 meter
f. cleaning houses of worship and the surrounding environment to clean and disinfect the floors, walls and building equipment of houses of worship before and after worship activities
h. follow policies set by religious organizations.
Every person in charge of a house of worship who fails to carry out his obligations will be subject to a sanction in the form of a written warning. The mayor / regent will impose sanctions.
In workplace activities, Article 12 stipulates that the person in charge of the workplace who carries out activities is obliged to comply with the following provisions:
a. forming a team for handling COVID-19 in the workplace
b. apply a capacity limit for a maximum number of people who are in the workplace at the same time
c. arrange working days, working hours, work shifts and work systems
d. requiring workers to wear masks
e. ensure that the entire work area is clean and hygienic by periodically cleaning with cleaners and disinfectants
f. implement temperature checks prior to entering the workplace
g. provide hand sanitizer
h. provide hand washing facilities with running water and soap
i. it is prohibited to dismiss workers in the condition concerned that they are doing self-isolation
j. ensure that workers who come to work are not infected with COVID-19
k. maintaining distance in all work activities, setting the distance between workers at least 1 meter in each work activity
1. avoiding work activities / activities that can create a crowd of people
m. carry out preventive health monitoring of workers
n. implement the COVID-19 prevention protocol in place
o. create and announce the integrity pact and COVID-19 prevention protocol
Every person in charge of the workplace who does not carry out their obligations will be subject to a written warning sanction or an administrative fine of IDR 25 million. Imposition of sanctions by the Office of Manpower, Transmigration and Energy.
In the health protocol in public facilities, the person in charge of the place that carries out activities must comply with the following conditions:
a. limit the number of visitors at most from the capacity of public places or facilities
b. requiring visitors to wear masks
c. provide hand washing facilities with running water and soap
d. time the visit
e. maintain a distance of at least 1 meter between visitors
f. keep public places / facilities clean
g. perform cleaning and infection in public facility areas.
Every person in charge of public facilities who does not carry out their obligations will be subject to sanctions in the form of a written warning or an administrative fine of Rp. 10 million by the DKI Satpol PP.
In controlling socio-cultural activities, Article 16 states that the person in charge of social and cultural activities must comply with the following conditions:
a. implement the COVID-19 prevention protocol when implementing activities in accordance with policies stipulated by the competent agency
b. the number of visitors is at most 50 percent of the capacity of the event venue
c. requiring visitors to wear masks
d. apply tuhuh temperature check
e ensure that visitors who come are not infected with COVID-19
h. provide washing facilities with running water and soap
f. provide hand sanitizer
g. maintain a distance of at least 1 meter between visitors
h create and announce the integrity pact and COVID-19 prevention protocol.
Every person in charge of social and cultural activities who does not carry out their obligations will be subject to a sanction in the form of a written warning or an administrative fine of Rp. 25 million by the municipal police.
In controlling the mode of transportation, Article 17 states that vehicles are filled at most 50 percent of the vehicle's capacity and must wear masks.
Then Article 19 states that the maximum capacity of individual or private transportation vehicles is to be filled with 2 people per row of seats, except with passengers domiciled at the same address.