Heard 5-year-old Boy From Kuningan Has Malignant Cancer In His Right Leg, Ridwan Kamil Gives Cash And Basic Food Assistance

BANDUNG - West Java (Jabar) Governor M Ridwan Kamil together with West Java Quick Response visited a small child in Kuningan Regency, named Tazkiatul Aziziyah (5 ) who was diagnosed with malignant cancer in his right leg.

Ridwan Kamil provided direct assistance in the form of cash for the purposes of improving Tazkiatul's nutrition and food packages through West Java Quick Response.

Ridwan Kamil advised Tazkiatul's parents to seek the opinion of other doctors from other hospitals for the sake of Tazkiatul's well-being and recovery.

"So or not, there is help from me. There is only a process, please follow it," said Ridwan Kamil in a written statement from JQR Public Relations in Bandung, Antara, Sunday, July 31.

In addition, Tazkiatul was also given an RJ doll from the BTS21 cartoon, which is his favorite character. Ridwan Kamil visited Tazkiatul's residence and met his father named Nurul Amin and his mother Ipah.

Medically, Tazkiatul's right leg had to be amputated due to cancer that was too malignant.

Tazkiatul's biological father, Nurul Amin, said that his party felt traumatized if his son had to be medically amputated.

“The RSCM doctor said that the governor had to amputate him. But yesterday there was the same case, his son died," said Nurul, who is an honorary at SMK in Kuningan.

Tazkiatul's parents are still worried about the operation plan. West Java Quick Response has also coordinated with the Kuningan District Health Office to monitor Tazkiatul's health condition.