Jokowi Asks Volunteers To Help Government Prepare For Potential Recession

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked volunteers and loyalists not to rush in determining steps related to the 2024 Presidential Election and focus on helping the government prepare for all possibilities in the midst of a global uncertainty situation, including a potential recession.

According to the General Chairman of the People's Struggle Command Post (Pospera) Mustar Bona Ventura, this was conveyed by Jokowi when he invited a number of volunteer representatives to a meeting at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, Friday, July 29.

"The president asked for volunteers to focus and help the government in all future possibilities regarding the potential for reviews and the government's efforts to restore the economy," Mustar said in a statement quoted by ANTARA.

Jokowi's meeting with the volunteer group was carried out exactly two weeks after he invited a number of exponents of 1998 activists who were members of the 98 National Activist Association (PENA 98) to the Presidential Palace on 15 July.

Mustar said there were around 30 representatives of volunteer groups who attended Jokowi's invitation to the Bogor Presidential Palace, including from Projo, Pospera, Jokowi's Volunteer Labor Friends, Jokowi's National Secretariat, PENA 98, KIB, Jokowi Ambassador, Jokowi's Kornas, Bara JP, Solmed , RPJB, Pos Raya, GK Center, and Almisbat.

The meeting was held after Friday prayers at around 13.30 WIB and lasted for approximately two and a half hours.

According to Mustar, during the meeting, Jokowi explained the global recession situation and Indonesia's position in it.

Jokowi said that the World Bank estimates that 60 countries have the potential to go bankrupt and 40 of them are certain to go bankrupt.

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) also described that 2022 will be a difficult year, but 2023 will be even tougher.

"The president said that Indonesia is now ranked second in the world in terms of economic growth of 5.0 percent, and is only behind Vietnam," Mustar said.

However, with all the situations related to the threat of a recession, continued Mustar, Jokowi still advised the volunteers not to be in a hurry in determining steps to meet the 2024 presidential election and asked to focus on helping the government against all possibilities in the future, both related to a potential recession and economic election efforts. .

Volunteers then had the opportunity to voice their voices, including suggestions for a number of collaborative steps to deal with

"Then on the next occasion the volunteers took turns talking. The points conveyed included input and suggestions for joint work steps in dealing with the situation," said Mustar.