Routinely Monitors Circulation Of Illegal Cosmetics In The Market, BBPOM Padang Will Give Warning To Traders If They Are Still Selling

PADANG - The Center for Drug and Food Control (BBPOM) Padang, West Sumatra together with the Solok City Cooperatives and SME Trade Office carried out activities to control illegal cosmetics circulating in Pasar Raya Solok.

"This activity is routinely carried out to monitor cosmetics that do not have a permit to circulate in the market or we can say illegal goods," said BBPOM Padang Inspection Coordinator Armawati Anwar in Solok, Antara, Thursday, July 28.

In addition, the purpose of this activity is to protect consumers from brands or cosmetics whose safety is not guaranteed. If these items are used by the public, it can have a dangerous effect.

Goods obtained in the market will be confiscated and traced from where the traders got them.

"For traders who are caught, we will give a warning letter if they sell goods that do not have a BBPOM permit. If they are still found, they will be legally processed," said Armawati.

Along with the times, cosmetics have become mandatory items for women and men to maintain their appearance so they are willing to spend more money to buy cosmetics either directly or online.

In addition, in the era of free trade like today, there are many cosmetics on the market with various types of brands, prices, and qualities.

This situation is exploited by irresponsible business actors to gain more profit by producing or trading illegal cosmetics that do not meet the requirements for circulation and contain hazardous materials.

Consumers usually do not research a product before buying, this is one of the reasons that fake cosmetics are still circulating in the market. Counterfeit cosmetics are usually circulated in traditional markets or in small stalls.

Some people choose alternative ways to buy a product at a low price without paying attention to the feasibility and authenticity of the product.

Cosmetics obtained at low prices are far from the market price, because there is no distribution permit from the POM Agency. Even cosmetics that are sold cheaply should be suspected of having expired or are fake cosmetics.

The ignorance of consumers about the side effects caused by cosmetics that are not clearly contained in the contents of these products can be used as an excuse for people who still use these cosmetics.

In addition, the Trade Supervisor of the Solok City DPKUKM Representative, Edy Purwanto, said that from the results of the control carried out, several illegal products were found and they were immediately confiscated on the spot.

"At least a little less than last year. I hope that traders will not return to selling goods that do not have a BPOM permit, as well as buyers to be more careful when buying products, don't be tempted by cheap prices," he said.