Long-Term Sexual Satisfaction, What's The Secret? This Is According To The Study

YOGYAKARTA – In relationship commitment, sex is an important factor that affects greater marital satisfaction. A study shows that 34 percent of women and 15 percent of men who have been committed for at least 1 year have lost interest in sex.

Citing Medical News Today, Thursday, July 28, there are many factors that affect sexual desire. Behind all this, a 2016 study by Amy Muise, Ph.D., at the Department of Psychology at the University of Toronto, Canada, explains that there is ample evidence that the more people have sex, the happier they feel.

But Muise looked back at the quality in having sex. Even if you do it often, it doesn't give the desired effect because you're busy, for example, it means that you need to rethink ways to rekindle coals and enrich exploration.

1. Frequency is in tune with happiness

Muise reports in his study that there is a clear link between sex frequency and happiness. What he found was that people who had sex once a week or more frequently were significantly happier than those who had sex less frequently. However, participants in the study who had sex several times per week were no happier than those who had sex once each week.

Interestingly, having sex had a greater effect on participants' happiness than income. So if sex makes you happy, what makes so many people lose interest?

Illustration of the secret of long-term sexual satisfaction (Freepik/Gpoint Studio)
2. Factors associated with decreased sexual desire

Professor Cynthia Graham from the Center for Sexual Health Research at the University of Southampton in the UK, found a number of factors were associated with decreased sexual desire. For women, according to Graham's study, having young children, being pregnant in the past year, living with a partner, being in a longer relationship, not having different sexual interests and preferences, affect sexual desire.

Factors for both sexes, health conditions (including depression), not feeling close to their partner during sex, being less happy with their relationship, and having sex less often. In addition, Graham, also found the age factor in men aged 35-44 years and women 55-64 years experienced the lowest level of sex interest.

3. Initiative to have sex

Julia Velten, Ph.D., of the Center for Mental Health Care and Research at the Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany, reports that when men feel that their partner expects them to always take the initiative, it has a negative effect on their sexual satisfaction. This means that everyone who is committed to the same needs to initiate sexual activity.

4. Penetration and consistency

The study conducted in Prague by Katerina Klapilova, Ph.D. from the Department of General Anthropology at Charles University, found that for both men and women, penetration and consistency to reach orgasm were related to sexual satisfaction.

Klapilova also emphasized that a special role needs to be played to maintain high-quality intimate relationships. The role refers to both partners, to be equally active and explore new things in accordance with the consent of the partners.

5. Activities outside the room have a big impact

Another study, published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, explains that when it comes to sex, people aren't just looking for intimacy. But experience more affection, both during sex and outside the bedroom.

In addition to the above factors that affect the satisfaction of a committed partner's sex relationship, satisfaction is also significantly felt by couples when they both appreciate the moment of orgasm. For example, when men value their partner's orgasms, they are more likely to report happiness in the relationship.