The Mystery Of The 2 Mobile Phones Examined By Komnas HAM In The Case Of Brigadier J's Death, Whose Are They?

JAKARTA - Komnas HAM has finished examining two mobile phones (HP) related to the shooting that killed Brigadier Novriansyah Joshua Hutabarat or Brigadier J.

It's just that Komnas HAM was reluctant to explain who the owner of the cellphone was, whether it was Brigadier J's or someone else's.

It is known, Komnas HAM summoned the Cyber Bareskrim team and also the National Police Labfor for questioning regarding digital forensics and cyber examinations related to the shootout incident at the official residence of Inspector General Pol Ferdy Sambo.

"There were still two cellphones in the picture, right there was a photo of it," said Komnas HAM Commissioner Choirul Anam at his office, Jalan Latuharhary, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, July 27.

Anam said Komnas did not want to mention the owner of the cellphone. However, he said, the character and special identification number or IMEI will be explained by Komnas HAM next week.

"Because this is Labfor's job, the question doesn't belong to who, what character is the cellphone, what is the IMEI. If friends ask what character, how much is the IMEI, next week," said Anam.

Anam said Komnas HAM had also examined 20 videos related to Brigadier J's case, including CCTV on the Magelang-Jakarta trip, the house in Duren Tiga to Kramat Jati Hospital. The video, he said, consisted of 27 points.

"The number of videos we watched, what we checked were 20 videos from 27 points," he said.

Anam added that Komnas HAM would reschedule a follow-up meeting with the Cyber Crime Investigation Team and the National Police Labfor next week.

The second meeting, Anam added, was to find out the cause of the damage to CCTV at the inactive Head of the Propam shelter, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

"Next week we will meet again with the Cyber and Labfor team to confirm that, if it is damaged (the CCTV of Ferdy Sambo's house) why for example is it damaged, can it be withdrawn or not, can it record or not and so on, next week that's part that we will explore with Labfor and Cyber," said Anam.

Previously, Komnas Chairman Ahmad Taufan Damanik said that the digital forensic and cyber examinations were carried out in two sessions. However, he did not specify the two sessions related to any examinations. Taufan only mentioned that Brigadier J and Inspector General Sambo's cellphones were checked in the second session.

"Not yet (Inspector General Sambo's cellphone, ed) will be brought in for the second session. (Brigadier J) in session du, this is session one," said Taufan in his office, Wednesday, July 27.

Taufan hopes that CCTV and cell phone inspections can be completed today. If not, then Komnas HAM will schedule a follow-up meeting.

At around 16.10, Taufan left his office temporarily to meet with the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD.

"(Hp, red) this has not been completed. So, what has not been resolved, the analysis will be brought back. So, this meeting is still a session one meeting, lah. There will still be a follow-up meeting. Hopefully one more time will be completed, but this one It's not finished yet, I have to go to the Coordinating Minister's office," he said.