Police Arrest Residents Who Damaged Places Of Worship In East Lampung

BANDAR LAMPUNG - The East Lampung Police, Lampung, arrested a resident who was suspected of destroying churches and mosques in Waway Karya District.

"The perpetrator of the destruction of the place of worship, namely HS (37), a resident of Sumberjaya Village, who based on information from residents, has damaged the place of worship," said East Lampung Police Chief AKBP Zaky Alkazar Nasution as reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 25.

He explained that on Sunday (24/7) it was suspected that the perpetrators were determined to damage crosses, statues, altars, and several other parts of the St Paul's Church in Sidorahayu Village, Waway Karya District.

The perpetrators launched their actions when there were no worship activities at the church.

He went inside by prying open the door using a sharp weapon, then damaging the items in the church location.

"The total loss due to the perpetrators' actions at the church reached Rp27 million," he said.

During the arrest of the perpetrator, the police also secured evidence in the form of a sharp weapon of the type of machete and several items in the church which were damaged by HS.

In fact, he continued, based on information received from the surrounding community, this perpetrator had also damaged one of the mosques.

"Some time ago, the perpetrator had also entered the mosque and damaged the microphone there," he said.

The police are still investigating the motive for the perpetrators because intensive investigations are still ongoing. The police asked the public not to be provoked by the perpetrators.