MSAT Trial For Sexual Abuse Of Jombang Santriwati, Attorney Protested About The Location Of The Trial In Surabaya

SURABAYA - The second trial of the exception agenda for Moch Subchi Azal Tsani (MSAT) alias Mas Bechi, a defendant in the sexual abuse case against female students at Ponpes Shiddiqiyyah Ploso, Jombang, was again held at the Surabaya District Court. In this trial, the public prosecutor (JPU) and Mas Bechi's attorney were adamant about the location of the trial.

The head of the Jombang District Attorney's Office, Tengku Firdaus, said the trial would still be held in Surabaya. Tengku said that there were several points of objection raised by Mas Bechi's attorney during the trial.

"One of the points is the issue of the authority to adjudicate the fatwa from the Supreme Court. We will respond later, because we have gone through the procedure correctly," said Tengku, after the trial, at the Surabaya District Court as reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 25.

Meanwhile, Mas Bechi's attorney, Rio Ramabaskara, admitted that he was still debating with the Public Prosecutor regarding the transfer of detention at the Class 1 Surabaya Rutan in Sidoarjo. Considering that the trial will still be held online at the Surabaya District Court.

"The locus should have been at the Jombang District Attorney's Office, but it was shifted here (Surabaya District Court). Then, the charges were unclear and incomplete, even though there were no threats and so on," he said.

According to Rio, there were two objections raised by his side in the second session of the exception agenda. The first is the relative competence of the PN's authority which is authorized to adjudicate the case.

"We consider that the Jombang District Court is in charge. So this trial must be carried out in accordance with the provisions for submitting an application," he said.

Rio claimed to have received the case file. However, Rio admitted that he did not see a fatwa regarding the case, such as regarding the urgency of transferring Mas Bechi to the Class 1 Rutan Surabaya. "So, we see that the urgency to be moved to Surabaya has not yet been met," he said.

Rio said he still objected to the online trial. Therefore, Rio admitted that he had submitted a written request for the trial to be held offline.

"If you look at the progress of the trial for the two online trials, it's the same from Jombang to subonline as well, we're digging again, so yes, this is an objection," he said.

The second trial only lasted 1 hour. However, this trial was not attended by the Head of the East Java Prosecutor's Office, Mia Amiati, and the head of the Mas Bechi advisory team, I Gede Pasek Suardika.