Body Parts Found In Semarang Kretek River, Suspected Of Mutilation Victim

SEMARANG - Semarang Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Yovan Fatika said the findings of human remains around the Kretek River flow in Kalongan Village, East Ungaran, Semarang Regency, Central Java, are suspected to be victims of mutilation.

"Temporary suspicion of mutilation. We are still investigating it," said Yovan, as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, July 24.

However, he said, to confirm this, he had to wait for the results of the autopsy.

Human remains were found by residents around the Kretek River in Kalongan Village, Semarang Regency.

According to the Police Chief, the body parts were then sent to the Bhayangkara Hospital in Semarang for further identification.

There were also body parts found, including two hands, one each right and left, as well as pieces of bone.

"We are still combing the area around the location to find out the possibility of other body parts," he said.

Yovan has not been able to determine the gender of the owner of the body parts pieces.

"The gender is not known because it is already in a damaged condition," he said.

Including, he said, identification efforts will be carried out by examining DNA, following the damage to the fingerprints on the body parts found.