Swimming To The Beach Area Of Tokaka Village, 2 Passengers Of KM Cahaya Arafah Successfully Saved

JAKARTA - The Ternate Search and Rescue Office (Basarnas) in North Maluku Province confirmed that two of the victims of the KM Cahaya Arafah accident who were reported missing managed to escape.
The head of the Ternate Basarnas Fathur Rahman, as quoted by Antara, Saturday, July 23, said that the victims of the shipwreck who managed to save themselves were a 54-year-old farmer named Faisal Tanisan and a midwife from the Dolik Health Center named Sulmarlina (26).
According to Sulmarlina's statement, Fathur explained that when KM Cahaya Arafah sank on July 18, 2022, the two of them tried to save themselves by swimming to the beach area of Tokaka Village.
After staying in Tokaka Village, he continued, the two went to Dolik Village by motorbike and reported to the local village government officials that they were passengers of KM Cahaya Arafah.
Dolik Village Head Iswadi Ishak confirmed that the two people who were on the list of missing persons due to the KM Cahaya Arafah accident reported to the village government and made a certificate to be submitted to the SAR team.
KM Cahaya Arafah reportedly sank in the Tokaka waters in South Halmahera Regency on July 18, 2022.
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According to the Head of the Ternate Class II Port Authority and Port Authority, Agustinus, the ship, which according to the manifest carried 77 passengers and 21 tons of goods, departed from Ternate to South Halmahera on Monday (18/7) at 08.30 WIT and was reported to have sunk due to being hit by waves at 18.12 WIT, on the way from the waters of Samo Village to Tokaka.
The head of the Ternate Basarnas said that based on the manifest there were 13 missing ship passengers. The SAR team has found the bodies of 10 of them and two more people are reported to have survived.
On the sixth day of the search effort, the SAR Team attempted to find another passenger of KM Cahaya Arafah who was reported missing, namely a four-year-old girl named Kaila Ismit.
A total of eight search and rescue units were deployed to search for the girl in the vicinity of the sinking location of KM Cahaya Arafah.