Minister Hadi Tjahjanto Descends Mountain, Visits Jambi To Resolve Land Conflict Between Orang Rimba And Palm Oil Companies

JAKARTA - Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Hadi Tjahjanto came down the mountain to resolve agrarian conflicts or land cases in Jambi Province.

The conflict occurred between the jungle people or Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) and one of the oil palm plantation companies in Batang Hari Regency.

"I have 40 days to resolve agrarian conflicts, one of which is in Jambi Province, namely the conflict between SAD and PT Berkah Sawit Utama (BSU)," said Hadi Tjahjanto, in Jambi, Friday, July 22.

The former TNI Commander targets the agrarian conflict in Jambi to be completed by 30 August. This is because the SAD case with PT Berkat Sawit Utama (BSU) is almost over.

"This case must be completed, so that there is no more land grabbing between SAD and PT BSU," he said, according to Antara.

When resolving the land case, Minister Hadi Tjahjanto met directly with the two parties to the conflict. The meeting between SAD and PT BSU, brokered by the former four-star KSAU, took place at the Jambi Governor's Office House.

From these results, it was mutually agreed that the 750 hectares of land in the PT BSU area are the rights of SAD residents.

"So that the land can be used by residents, there will be no more problems," he said.

For all kinds of problems that occurred, Hadi Tjahjanto said that the company and SAD residents as well as the Jambi Provincial Government could resolve everything that was in the completion stage until next August 30.

"So everything is finished and there are no more problems that occur and it is my duty to solve them," he added.

Previously, Minister Hadi Tjahjanto met jungle people or SAD in Jambi on Thursday, July 21.

Hadi Tjahjanto and the two groups held a closed meeting for the stage of resolving land conflicts covering an area of 750 hectares in Jambi Province.

This case has occurred since 20 years ago and is still not resolved. The land conflict occurred because the community's land was taken over by the company and had not been compensated until the end of the Hak Guna Usaha (HGU) permit from the company.

Initially, the land taken over by the company was around 3,550 hectares. Then Kesbangpol verified that the land area was owned by 1,513 people in the area. However, after being reviewed in the field, there are 750 hectares of land owned by the community.