Can Normal Childbirth Interfere With Sexual Satisfaction? This Is What The Content Specialist Said

JAKARTA - Some women think that giving birth with a normal process can affect sexual satisfaction later in life, finally many mothers who decide to have a cesarean section. Is that right? An obstetrician from the Health 360 Indonesia Clinic, Dr Ivan Maurits Sondakh, Sp.OG, launched ANTARA, Friday, July 22, saying that there was no relationship between normal birth and sexual satisfaction.

In the vagina there are muscles and hormones that can relax the organs and ligaments. When giving birth normally, these muscles will widen but will return to their original position.

"Over time it will return to a size that is close to its original size. Sexual satisfaction does not depend on this vagina, sometimes it is influenced by psychological factors," said dr. Ivan.

The process of giving birth by cesarean or normal is basically determined on the medical indications of a mother. However, it is undeniable that during normal delivery, in certain cases, it can make the tear wider.

"Perhaps if it was a normal delivery, there are other factors such as giving birth to a large baby, or the tear is quite extensive or the muscles are not connected properly, it might cause problems," said Dr. Ivan.

"But normally if all goes well there is no problem for sexual satisfaction itself. So don't worry it won't have any effect," he added.

The factor of postnatal sexual satisfaction is determined by several reasons. According to Dr. Ivan the most are psychological problems.

"After giving birth, she didn't feel confident enough to have sex, and finally, dissatisfaction arose," said Dr. Ivan.