Workers' Disappointment Overflow Because The DPR Does Not Want A Legislative Review Of The Job Creation Law

JAKARTA - Representatives of the mass workers who are members of the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPI) have finished holding a hearing regarding the request to the DPR to conduct a legislative review of the Job Creation Law.

Ten labor representatives walked out of the DPR building with grim faces. Secretary General of the KSPI FSPMI, Riden Hatam Azis, said that the hearing with the Deputy Chairman of the DPR, Rahmat Gobel and the Chairman of Baleg DPR, Supratman Andi Agtas, ended in vain because the DPR refused to hold a legislative review.

"Earlier we were met by the Deputy Speaker of the DPR, Pak Rahmat Gobel, and the Chairman of Baleg Pak Supratman. Pak Supratman said that the DPR said that the legislative review was declared impossible," said Riden to the mass of workers in front of the DPR building, Monday, November 9.

In response to this, one of the workers' masses called on fellow workers who participated in today's demonstration to show a form of disappointment by brandishing a finger symbol.

"Raise your middle finger as a symbol of disappointment and resistance," shouted one of the orators from the top of the command car.

Meanwhile, the Chief Executive of the KSPI Muhammad Rusdi said that the DPR's response to today's action meant that workers would continue to promote demonstrations in the future.

"We have asked the DPR to cancel the Omnibus Law. If not, then don't blame us for continuing to take action. Tomorrow we will demonstrate in front of the Ministry of Manpower Building," said Rusdi.

After the call, the workers dispersed. They returned home in an orderly manner. Currently, the traffic in front of the DPR building is conducive.