The Names That Began To Appear As A Substitute For Inspector General Ferdy Sambo At The Head Of The Propam Police Division

JAKARTA - Inspector General of Police Ferdy Sambo has been deactivated from the position of Head of the Propam Division. However, the National Police Chief General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo must immediately find a replacement for Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

Member of Commission III of the DPR RI, Arteria Dahlan, fully handed over to the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo regarding the replacement of Inspector General of Police Ferdy Sambo. But he did not dismiss a number of names that had circulated worthy to fill the position.

"I don't want to mention names, it doesn't matter Mas Hendro (Wakapolda Metro Jaya Police Brigadier General Hendro Pandowo), Mas Andi Rian (Director of General Crimes Bareskrim Police Brigadier General Andi Rian Djajadi), Mas Ahmad Ramadhan (Head of the Public Information Bureau of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Pol. Ahmad Ramadhan). Even several other names (there are still several other names 'at least' in my opinion) are worthy to be presented," said Arteria to reporters, in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 20.

He left it entirely to the National Police Chief to make his choice in accordance with the current needs and objective conditions of the National Police.

According to him, the National Police has many of the best human resources (HR) assets that can occupy the definitive Propam Kadiv position.

"Essentially, Mr. Sambo's replacement must be able to solve problems, be accepted and make the Police solid, able to maintain the dignity of the Police institution and increase public trust in the Police after the incident," he said.

In addition, he assessed that the step of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to disable Inspector General Ferdy Sambo as the Head of the Propam Division had dismissed the issue of an attempt to cover up the shootout case between members of the Police.

He said that currently the joint team formed by the National Police Chief is working carefully, because there is no reason not to reveal the real facts and seek substantive truths.

This, according to him, is because the National Police institution has opened itself to thoroughly investigate the case of a shootout between members of the National Police at Inspector General Pol Ferdy Sambo's official residence, Friday (8/7).

Arteria admitted that he would donate himself to oversee the handling of the shootout case between Brigadier J and Bharada E, because the case was multidimensional and multispectral.

"I personally will donate myself to guard this case. This case is multidimensional and multispectral, there are still many stories that have not been told," he said.

He appreciated the steps taken by the National Police Chief in resolving the case, because in every part of the story he was able to maintain the "morality of the story" especially for the Police as an institution.

Previously, National Police Chief Gen. Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo had dismissed Inspector General Pol Ferdy Sambo from his position as Head of the Profession and Security Division (Kadiv Propam) of the National Police starting Monday (18/7).

"Tonight, we have decided for Inspector General of Police Ferdy Sambo to temporarily deactivate his position and then the position will be handed over to the Deputy Chief of Police for further responsibilities at Propam to be carried out by the Deputy Chief of Police," said Sigit, Monday evening, July 18.

According to Sigit, this decision was taken to anticipate news speculations that will arise and will have an impact on the ongoing investigation.